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Ex-president Zuma of South Africa suspended from prison for health

Former President of South Africa Jacob Zuma has been released from prison on parole. He was serving a 15-month sentence. The decision was made due to 79-year-old Zuma’s ill health, South African authorities say.

Zuma zat in jail since july for contempt for the rule of law. He refuses to appear before a commission investigating corruption during the time Zuma was president. He led the country between 2009 and 2018.

According to the prison ministry, Zuma will remain under close surveillance for the remainder of his sentence. A statement said Zuma will have to comply with a “specific set of measures”. They are not specified further.

Zuma is currently in hospital, but when his treatment is over, he will be allowed to return home. It is unclear what exactly is wrong with him.

large-scale riots

Due to his hospitalization, the hearing of another corruption lawsuit was closed a few weeks ago postponed. Critics suspect Zuma is using his medical problems as an excuse not to face further charges. The follow-up to the corruption case is now scheduled for September 9.

Despite the allegations of corruption, Zuma is still very popular with a segment of the population. His detention in July led to widespread riots and looting that killed 300 South Africans.

Those riots took place in Gauteng, economically and politically the most important part of the country, and in KwaZulu-Natal province. Zuma is from that province.

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