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Ex-Miska and Inmate Anita Mazer’s Health Scare: Ruptured Silicone and Skeptical Followers

In recent days, ex-mischief and inmate Anita Mazer has re-entered the public eye on social networks.

After at the end of last year she shared that she had been bitten by a friend’s dog and was in a clinic, has now re-released photos from a hospital bed. This time it was a cracked silicone.

“The ruptured silicone is hurting my organs to the point where I can’t sleep because of the pain,” Mazer wrote on her Facebook profile, noting that it required her to undergo “emergency surgery,” as she describes it.

The former Miska became famous after the death of her ex-husband Nikolay Dimov. Her husband suffocated during an experiment with pig tails on August 14, 2016, and on August 15, his wife was detained.

The former Mrs. Bulgaria was sentenced to 2 years in prison for negligent homicide of her husband, and in the spring of 2019 she served her sentence. Months after she left the cell, Mazer disappeared from prying eyes, and soon after it became clear that she had settled in Las Vegas. After prison, she quickly left for the United States, where she used to live because she also has American citizenship.

The day that changed Meiser’s life was August 15, 2016. Anita and her husband Nikolai went to Golden Sands, where Dimov got a tattoo. They returned to Varna around 7 p.m. They looked at properties and around 8:30 p.m. they went to dinner at Nikolay’s family. They stayed there for 3 hours. When they returned home – the two lived in Meiser’s apartment, Nikolay asked his wife to tie him with pig tails and take pictures of him tearing them. His goal with the filmed clip was to impress Colombians with his strength. That way he would earn a high-paying job with them.

Meiser tried to convince him to postpone the experiment until the next day, but Dimov insisted. He explained to her that he felt strong after getting the tattoo. “He thought that Jesus Christ had taken up residence in him and now is the time to make the video with the pig tails, it is clear from the reasons of the court in the case against Meiser. “After I’m free, we’ll have sex, but you’ll be the one tied up,” said Dimov. He made her bind his legs, arms and neck with 2 pig tails each, and she obeyed him.

As she put them around Dimov’s neck, Meiser tightened them slightly.

“Are you okay?” she asked him. “Pull hard so I can squeeze them,” he replied.

The pig’s tails compressed the venous vessels in the neck area and obstructed the venous outflow from the head. He began to suffocate, barely able to break the clamp tightened on his arms.

Due to the overflow of blood vessels in the neck area, the increase in vascular pressure and the subsequent edema, the noose was further tightened.

Mazer did not realize that her husband was suffocating.

She was looking for a video recording app while he was dying. According to the examination, death occurred around midnight. Nikolay died of mechanical asphyxia – suffocation.

Years later, we come to the present day, when the ex-miska makes an appeal for help, which is obviously viewed with skepticism by many. This is clear from her comments under the posts she publishes. There, Mazer herself points out that many people do not believe her and tries to convince everyone that she is not lying about her condition.

Many of her followers ask her why she doesn’t go back to Bulgaria if she really needs urgent medical care and can’t afford it in the US. The former Miska justifies her choice to stay there with additional expenses that she would have in case of a possible return for the intervention in our country – for plane tickets, hotels, etc.

She describes her condition as “extremely serious due mostly to my infamous silicone!” According to her, doctors advised her to replace with new ones or fire her implants, as they threatened her life.

“I’m in a very delicate situation and I didn’t want to share it publicly, but I have no other choice. Every day could turn out to be fatal and my last,” wrote the former Miska.

“After all kinds of examinations about my worrying state of health, it turned out that, on top of all that, my right implant is ruptured and poisons – it has been poisoning my body for an unknown amount of time, and the situation is now very serious, even my life is in danger, and this the doctors said!”, says the former prisoner.

“On 11/03/2023 I was in the emergency room, but I didn’t say anything publicly because I hit my head again. I was very sick, everything hurt again and they were doing a scan. I was very sick and stopped to rest in a private parking lot and alarmed managers called the police, and they in turn brought an ambulance and forced me into it, but that’s another story with a sequel…

On 4/4/23 I was back in the ER in Florida with excruciating chest pain, back pain, dizziness, abdominal pain, kidney pain and more and more. Thank God, they found that I have – ruptured silicone (b.r. spukan silicone)!

Silicone poisoning also damages the brain, and apparently I’m still unbalanced because of that. I was supposed to get better by removing cracks. I sincerely believe that,” Meiser says in his profile.

However, is her condition really so serious and the intervention she is talking about is life-saving – that is why many express their doubts under Mazer’s posts. Bewildered people ask her how, if the surgical intervention is really so urgent, the doctors did not operate on her urgently.

“Dear Anita, with all due respect to you, I didn’t understand from the long text, are you raising funds to replace your implants, or to remove them and save your life? If it’s for replacing implants, I’m sorry, but I would donate to a more meaningful campaign” , read some of the comments under the post.

Meanwhile, it is striking that at the beginning of the month, on April 5, the former Miska published her photos from a hospital room where she was admitted. Under the frames it says: “It’s time. First round”. The location she noted in her post is a clinic in Florida. Then the reason for her admission to the hospital was never clarified despite the many questions under her post about why she was there and what happened to her. Mazer, however, remains silent and does not publicly respond to any. However, her specification of “first round” leaves the impression that what awaits her there is rather planned.

Shortly before this on April 1st, she posted an emotional message on her wall thanking all her friends for being there for her both in the past and now.

2023-04-19 21:45:00

#happening #Anita #Mazer

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