Regarding the cabinet change made in La Moneda on Tuesday afternoon, the former Health Minister of Michelle Bachelet, Helia Molina (PPD), questioned the lack of some measures in the event.

Specifically, he pointed out the presence of several children and even babies in the act carried out in the Palace, in an area that is in quarantine.

“What example is given to citizens when in times of pandemic and in a quarantined commune, children and babies are seen in La Moneda in the ministerial change?” He asked via Twitter.

“How do they want people to respect quarantines! It really costs me a lot to understand this double standards government ”, he added.

Likewise, in addition to minors, the ceremony was also attended by wives and couples of the new ministers, as in the case of Marcela Cubillos, who came as the wife of Foreign Minister Andrés Allamand; as well as the journalist Christian Pino, partner of the now Minister of Social Development, Karla Rubilar.