Ewa Skibinska is undoubtedly one of the most recognizable Polish actresses. She gained fame for her role as Elżbieta Walicka in the series “For better or for worse”from which she left in 2002, and less than two years later she appeared in the cast “First Love”where she plays the role of Teresa Żukowska.
Skibińska is also an extremely active social media user. On Instagram, where she is followed by almost 20 thousand peopleshows the backstage of his work and shots from his private life. He boasts not only about his vacation, but also about his excellent form, arousing admiration from his fans, who express this in the comments.
The rest of the article is below the video
See also: Ilona Felicjańska: I choose sobriety once again
In 2023, public opinion was shocked by Skibińska’s confession, which admitted that She has been a teetotaler for ten yearsand alcohol had been present in her life “forever” before. She indicated the last eight years before quitting alcohol as the worst period, when her ex-partner, Krzysztof Mieszkowskitook over as director of the theatre in Wrocław.
The topic of alcohol addiction was also discussed in an interview with Mateusz Szymkowiak for the “Świat Gwiazd” website. Skibińska admitted that the addiction began to destroy her life, and she herself did dangerous things. However, she did not want to admit what.
Eight, ten years of problem drinking, meaning I was struggling with myself and felt I had a problem. I was also a threat to myself. I did all sorts of dangerous things. I suffered. I suffered terribly.. Because it’s not like: “Wow, I’m so cool”, but like: “Wow, I’m so uncool now” (…) I can’t say. But it’s life-threatening, health-threatening, safety-threatening. There comes a limit. A friend of mine helped me with that, she said I might have a problem. I started crying then, which means my own body let me know. He confessed, because I simply fell apart. She used good arguments, talked to me well. Then my daughter, who also dared to say what she felt. And so, step by step, I decided that it was time to start doing something with myself. – she said and added that Participation in group therapy also proved invaluable.
Yes. I was very afraid of group therapy, and now I am a fan of groups. Although it is difficult, because an actor who has to go to a group and talk to people there about his problems… If someone doesn’t try it, they won’t understand what value it has. How it develops, deepens. Conversation heals. – she added.
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And great, the woman got over her addiction, now she can brag about it because it’s hard to get over this crap. Women get addicted faster and unfortunately you can quickly see a red face, freckles, dehydration. She should also smile more often.
What a cool woman, she managed and it must have been terribly difficult. I ADMIRE you, you look beautiful. STRONG BEAUTIFUL.
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I don’t understand this frequent emphasis that if an actor, he is exceptional. An actress should go to group therapy? No, an alcoholic looking for help. Chyra once said something similar – you should tell actors what to do? A cosmic ego doesn’t really help in dealing with everyday life and noticing that a person gets drunk and falls like any other mortal.
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That an alcoholic harms himself – that’s a fact. But the worst thing is that he harms his loved ones. A partner, a husband can leave. Children? Children are raised in extremely pathological conditions, often without any outside help. Trauma after trauma. My mother had no qualms about getting into a car after drinking – with children. On vacation, she drank herself into unconsciousness in broad daylight. I was 7, my sister 8. Small children carried their mother to the holiday resort, because she couldn’t stand on her own. No one helped us, and it was a tourist town and many people passed us by. Alcoholics are beasts, nothing more.
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If I had Mr. Mieszkowski as a partner in life, I would also become an alcoholic.
Whether she was addicted or not, it doesn’t matter. For me, she’s a beautiful woman, whom I could love all day long. She’s so beautiful. I’m serious. Such a good woman, and the fact that she got over addiction shows how strong she is and what an interesting personality she has. I love Mrs. Ewa. I envy anyone who tries this sweetness every day. Mega sexy actress.
Many people unfortunately drink more often than ‘occasionally’
Unfortunately he still has problems, this story about his behavior on the beach is a sad example!!
There is a lot of talk about alcoholism in men, but very little about the problem among women.
Sorry but this is an occupational disease, acting is a recipe for depression and divorce. Maybe I’m exaggerating but these people often have 5 minutes of fame and shine and years when the phone doesn’t ring.
Good luck, she looks beautiful and a good actress
You can see from her face that she’s been drinking, and it will stay with her for the rest of her life. Yes, it’s an illness like any other, I agree with that. But alcoholics can’t stop it and they hurt their family. I have no mercy for them, I went through it in my family home and I know how I and my siblings were wronged.
Well, congratulations and keep it up!
Poor girl, I can’t afford to live…let alone drink alcohol 🤮
Are there really that many people watching her? Don’t people have their own things and problems? Who has time for that? Maybe it’s worth doing something useful? This lady doesn’t impress me, especially in the context of showing off her outdated “charms”,