Home » today » Entertainment » Ewa Minge comments on Paulina Smaszcz’s attack on Izabela Janachowska: “I know KRZYSZTOF’s former wife …”

Ewa Minge comments on Paulina Smaszcz’s attack on Izabela Janachowska: “I know KRZYSZTOF’s former wife …”

A comment on the media activities of Paulina Smaszcz Izabela Janachowska drew the anger of ex-wife Maciej Kurzajewski. The reporter attacked the host of “Dancing with the Stars” in Anna Zejdler’s podcast “Failure, or Success”, without sparing her bitter words. Questions Smaszcz p. “make a baby with a millionaire” Iza didn’t leave without a comment.

As you can imagine, spiced up with combat Pauline he does not think to lay down his arms. The 49-year-old posted a large social media post in which she fell IzieThat “he knew who he was chasing and for what money”adding it “Bags, clothes and brandy are more important to her than people and relationships.”

The rest of the article under the video

See also: The wars of the WAGs and the return of Jola Rutowicz

In this unexpected dispute with her ex friend, Janachowska can count on support Ewa Minge. A stylist who likes to add her penny to all sorts of things, she left an extensive comment under the heading “wedding experts” defending her. First, Minge referred to Smaszcz’s words that Iza contributed to Krzysztof’s divorce from his previous wife, Katarzyna.

I will speak – Began. I have to, because the attack on Iza is below the belt. I knew Krzysztof (Iza’s husband) before Iza met him. I know Krzysztof’s former wife and I can guarantee that no one has betrayed and abandoned anyone there. Oh, they didn’t work and that’s it. Krzysztof, in addition to being a millionaire (and this is probably not a defect, but a test of strength, intelligence and ability to take care of himself and his flock), is fantastic man.

She then moved on to Paulina’s allegations that Krzysztof was Janachowska’s sponsor. Celebrity pointed this out “Iza is not a kept woman, and before she met Krzysztof, she had a position and her achievements.”

It did not stop at the wife of the millionaire, she successfully runs her business, develops and takes care of her family has continued. Easier for her because she has a rich husband? Of course! And I am very happy that a woman is supported in her personal development by her man, that he does not feed on her (oh, it happens!), Nor does she feed on him.. They are symbionts, they love each other and are happy.

Minge claims that Paulina’s innuendo was fooled by the finger and hit the already blurred image of marriage in the public eye.

Krzysztof is an interesting man and Iza is a beautiful and ambitious woman. They have a wonderful child, the fruit of love, and one thing they lack is the social respect for their love that is there eternally portrayed through the unfair prism of “old millionaire and maintained woman”. No, it’s not that fairytale. Iza, I wish you happiness, as I have done so many times. Head up and forward. Krzysztof, you know … – she finished.

Did he successfully save Janachowska’s good name?

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Who else will tell? 🙂 Dad? Joe Biden? However, Ms. Paulina has gone too far and she should stop social media for a while.

yeah yeah, I forgot that Minge must have a say: D

Janachowska blocked Insta hahaha

🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀ …

26 minutes

And this is where Rafalala comes into play. All in white …

Ask Iza why she changed her profile to private: D 2 hours ago it was public.

Latest comments (170)

Let the lady wearing the ugly Lady Project glasses do the talking.

We all have fun, but it gets out of hand and gets weird …

Ms. Paulina is a terrible person with no respect for other people. Excuse me, did Strasburger’s wife bet on your money too? People love each other and please leave them alone. You don’t even want to be homeless. A psychiatrist is not enough for you

Always mention the children. They are almost adult people, they probably don’t need the mother to drag their relationship with the father on the forum. They are not media people, so why drag them into all of this. She herself claims that Kurzajewski is not fair to them, is she? Exposing them to a media discourse, in which they are present only by writing and talking about them, because as people they do not participate fully in it. I don’t understand, to point out that someone has broken something, a family, a marriage, stealing fathers from children. Just because the parents get divorced doesn’t mean the baby will be unhappy, she won’t lose them. Marriage ends, parenthood does not. According to Ms. Paulina, do not adults who do not love each other have deeper feelings towards each other, which leads to the fact that they will eventually be people who lose and will be able to make the child happy? It is not better to break up, have your life and be happy in it. A happy person gives happiness to others. A child is something wonderful, wonderful that can happen to us, but it is probably about loving him and surrounding him with love and not treating him on the basis of being a child, for him I will remain in what does not seal me. I don’t think that’s the point. We have a life, we are happy in it, for ourselves and for others.

Paulina, you know that Krzysztof’s ex-wife got your names wrong. Kamila and not Katarzyna 🙈 massacre, what a failure

Yes my love

3 min.

As if it weren’t, Paulina told the truth, if Krzysiu was the caretaker, Iza would probably have been his wife too 😂😂😂

I foresee a low attendance at Ms. Smasz’s training courses and the concealment of training certificates, because it is embarrassing to make her earn.

Each of them was looking for a millionaire – And just like Iza – she got married to an old man, but not poor – And why Paulina asked if she knew one – I was wondering and asking to meet one. The way she danced and wanted to take Dorota’s son (the actress) in her arms was very ugly and rude – so for sure with this millionaire she didn’t go so easily too, she had to get along well … so he wanted – because nothing interesting, she is not a woman – and her voice is a passion for me …………

Minge as always with culture and to the point!

I await info from the benefactor of Mother Teresa Omena from Inpost

I hope my children will react and ask their mother not to fight on their behalf.

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