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Evo Morales asks his leaders to make an information campaign in favor of the anticovid vaccine

The leader of the MAS, Evo Morales, called on the leaders related to his party to promote mass vaccination and regretted the “Misrepresentation that confuses” the population regarding the use of these immunizers against the coronavirus.

“We must all be on the campaign trail, all leaders must guide the population. It is not possible that some brothers confuse the population ”, affirmed the leader of the MAS during an interview with the state radio Patria Nueva.

The coca grower also highlighted the consumption of mates and steam to neutralize the spread of infections, but insisted on vaccination as a measure to face the evil. “We want to improve these experiences, but we cannot waste it if there are vaccines”, remarked.

The recommendation takes place at a time when social sectors, including some linked to the MAS, came out to defend their right not to be vaccinated and thus reject the inoculation card requirement to access public and private entities.

In fact, a group of rural teachers from the Cochabamba tropics came out to ask for the annulment of the decrees that authorized the issuance of this vaccination card, while other sectors demanded a prior socialization of this norm.

“The effort that our government made at the head of Lucho Arce is impressive. Purchase, donations. Now it depends on Bolivians and Bolivians ”, Morales said, who assured that he had received the third dose of the vaccine and that, despite this, he maintains care with mates to prevent contagion

Evo Morales contracted covid-19 in early 2021. Then, he was treated at a private clinic in Cochabamba.

Bolivia faces the fourth wave of the pandemic with record numbers. On Tuesday, the contagions approached the 10,000 daily for the first time. Despite these indicators, the fatality rate is below 1%.

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