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Evidence Of Mars Once Flooded, Found By Chinese Scientists!

The evidence that Mars was once flooded is staggering. Chinese scientists claim that Mars once experienced floods. This is something new for human space science.

Mars is a familiar planet. It often receives the nickname of the red planet, and Mars is the Earth’s neighbor.

Like Earth, Mars is also part of the inner Solar System. This planet is increasingly popular after the theory that Mars is suitable for human life emerged.

Indeed, it turns out that Mars has experienced several shocking events in the world, one of which is the alleged flood disaster.

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China finds evidence that Mars has been flooded

In fact, floods are a disaster that human beings are used to dealing with. Floods will usually appear when rainfall is high.

Flooding can occur because the drainage system in the area is not good. Yes, floods are common when they happen on Earth.

However, what would happen if the planet Mars suffered a flood? This is obviously an unusual thing.

Indeed, it turns out that the planet Mars has experienced unusual events, one of which is the flood.

It shocked the world. One of the Chinese explorers named Zhurong has just found strong evidence that Mars has experienced a flood phenomenon.

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Discovery of sediments

Chinese explorer aircraft named Zhurong managed to find a sediment or deposit that appeared on the surface of the planet Mars.

According to scientists, these sediments were formed as a result of catastrophic floods on the red planet. Evidence that Mars was once flooded millions of years ago has left a deposit that is now starting to show.

The rover equipped with ground-penetrating radar managed to locate two horizontal layers below the landing site, precisely in Utopia Planitia, to be precise in the northern part of Mars.

Utopia committee is a smooth plain of volcanic and sedimentary strata that fills the Utopia collision. This section has long been a prime target for such exploration, as it is said to have hosted ancient oceans on Mars.

When you look at that part, there won’t be any water there. However, each of these strata is between 10 and 80 meters deep and has smaller rocks scattered over it.

Scientists think these layers formed from a flood that may have occurred millions to billions of years ago.

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NASA Exploration Tests

In addition to China, NASA also discovered the fact that there was once water on the surface of the planet Mars along with a major flood during their exploration mission.

In 2016, NASA reported the discovery of a series of subterranean ices in the area around Utopia. The volume of ice is equivalent to the water in Lake Superior.

The discovery is even more convincing and is proof that Mars was once flooded. The flood was also on a large scale. (R10/HR-Online)

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