A serious traffic accident took place in Evia with two people dead and two more slightly injured.
More specifically, around 17:00 on the afternoon of Friday, August 30, a car collided head-on with a truck, shortly after the traffic lights of Lampsakou in Chalkida.
Source: eviaonline
According to information from eviaonline, 2 dead people between the ages of 20 and 25, a girl and a young man, were found inside the car. At the same time, the 2 passengers of the truck were taken to the Chalkida Hospital with minor injuries.
Fire brigade vehicles immediately rushed to the scene to extricate the injured. But also the Police, in order to record the causes that caused the fatal traffic accident.
The road has been closed due to the traffic accident, in addition to the vehicles that have formed queues at the scene, there are also quite a few people, as reported by eviaonline.gr.

Source: eviaonline
#Evia #Fatal #traffic #accident #dead #injured