The train strike on April 21, 2023 paralyzes most of the train traffic. When, where and how long will EVG strike on Friday? That’s the info.
The train strike by the railway and transport union (EVG) began on Friday, April 21, 2023 at 3 a.m. Both long-distance traffic and regional traffic are massively affected by the warning strike. “DB rail traffic is currently at a standstill due to the EVG strike. The situation at the stations is currently calm,” said Deutsche Bahn on Friday morning.
It was not until March 27, 2023 that the EVG went on a warning strike. It lasted all day and had such a major impact that Deutsche Bahn stopped long-distance traffic and large parts of regional traffic for the period of the strike. Not only commuters and travelers were affected, but also freight traffic.
How will the rail strike in April 2023 work? How long does it take? Here you will find the current information.
Train strike on April 21, 2023: When is it?
As the EVG announced on Wednesday, there will be a strike at Deutsche Bahn and other railway companies in Germany on Friday, April 21, 2023, since 3 a.m.
How long will the rail strike on April 21, 2023 last?
This time, according to the EVG, the rail strike will not last all day, but until 11 a.m. EVG board member Cosima Ingenschay said: “We are sending a clear signal that we do not want to hit the passengers but the companies by calling for a temporary warning strike in the early hours of the morning.”
Although the strike is only scheduled to last until 11 a.m., there are likely to be more train cancellations and delays throughout the day. In long-distance traffic in particular, it will probably take longer for rail traffic to return to normal.
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There is also an airport strike in April 2023. On Friday the three airports in Düsseldorf, Cologne/Bonn and Hamburg will be on strike again.
Will there be major restrictions on the railways as a result of the EVG warning strike?
Deutsche Bahn has announced that it will completely stop long-distance traffic on April 21, 2023 by 1 p.m. After that, it should slowly be ramped up again – but commuters and travelers would have to expect train cancellations and delays until the evening on Friday.
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Deutsche Bahn is also assuming “significant restrictions” in regional transport. It should also be a long time after 11 a.m. before rail traffic returns to normal – even if DB assumes that it will start faster than long-distance traffic. Group HR Director Martin Seiler advised switching to other means of transport today. “Anyone who can reschedule should do so,” he said.
Freight trains are also affected by the rail strike. Traffic jams have formed at the marshalling yards.
Deutsche Bahn and EVG negotiate: Why is there a DB strike on Friday?
The EVG is currently negotiating in the second round with the approximately 50 railway companies in Germany. At Deutsche Bahn, this affects around 180,000 of the 230,000 employees.
The union demands at least 650 euros more salary per month for the employees or twelve percent more salary for higher incomes. The term should be twelve months.
In the public service, there was recently a proposal for arbitration. Deutsche Bahn has shown its willingness to adopt this as the basis for its own collective bargaining in the next negotiations on April 25.
The proposal in the public sector provides for a basic amount of 200 euros from March 2024 and then a higher salary of 5.5 percent, but at least by 340 euros. A staggered inflation compensation of a total of 3000 euros is to be paid out beforehand. However, the EVG refuses to take the proposal from the public sector as a basis for its own collective bargaining. (with dpa)