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Everything you shouldn’t do during the 888 portal that opens this Thursday, August 8


This Thursday represents a special date, since the year 2024, whose sum of digits is 8 (2 + 0 + 2 + 4 = 8), is associated with the well-known “8-8-8 portal”. This phenomenon, considered significant by many people, It is believed to open a symbolic door to the energy of abundance and good fortune. During this period, it is common to perform rituals and practices aimed at attracting prosperity and positive vibrations, taking advantage of the special influence attributed to this day. In any case, Since this is a particular date energetically, there are a series of recommendations on what is best not to do.

Also known as the “Lion’s Gate,” this date is valuable for those who believe in numerology, an art that explores the hidden connections between numbers, living beings, and the physical or spiritual forces of the universe. In this context, The repetition of the number 8 in the date, which symbolizes wisdom, experience, stability and patience, takes on special significance. For those who follow these beliefs, the influence of “portal 8-8-8″ It is seen as an opportunity for channel these qualities and attract positive energy and abundance into their lives.

According to numerology, the number 8 symbolizes wisdom, experience, stability and patience.

From an astrological perspective, this portal is considered to open between July 28 and August 12, when the star Sirius and the Sun, in the sign of Leo, are aligned. This time is especially conducive to meditation and manifestation. However, August 8th marks the moment of greatest intensity of the portal, as it coincides with the New Moon also in Leo. For this reason, we must take into account what is best no carry out:

During these days, it is crucial not to fall into provocations. As this is a period of transformation and power, It is important to focus on the positive things in life, since an energetic cleansing will also be carried out.

It is a date marked by numerous changes, many of which are related to the requests that have been made and the abundance that is to come. It is important not to rush, but to focus on the life you want to have.To do this, you must remain patient, as things will manifest themselves in due time.

There are many rituals to carry out during this energetic period.

In fact, this advice is valuable at any time, but it is especially important on this day of intentions: stay away from any person or situation that may generate negativity.

One of the most important parts of the Lion’s Portal is reflect about what you want for life. For this very reason, The days before are essential to think about everything you want to attract..

It is crucial to be grateful for everything you already have. This type of task will make the person more aware, so that he or she will learn to appreciate things more. Also, according to astrology, This will generate the attraction of more good things.

This is the season to fight for dreams, no matter how incredible or impossible they may seem. Also, to harness all the energy and determination to move forward, whether it be in matters of money, work, love or personal growth.

Beyond the portal 8-8-8, When it comes to making intentions and manifesting, doing it just one day is not enough. For this reason, you should be consistent at least during this period until August 12th and thus reinforce your intentions.

It turns out that the most valuable thing in these matters, is to carry out any ritual with total conviction and dedication. But still, We must firmly believe that this will be the stage in which everything will change for the better, and that everything that was invested in manifesting will begin to materialize.


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