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Everything you need to know about the causes of stomach pain and nausea and methods of treatment

Nausea It is common and has many causes. Sometimes nausea is the result of poor food choices. Other times it can be a sign of food poisoning, heart attack, migraine or morning sickness. If you feel sick, it doesn’t always mean you have a serious medical problem. Most of the time, nausea isn’t serious, and here are the causes, symptoms, and home remedies. healthnews“.

Symptoms that require a visit to the doctor:

You suspect you have food poisoning.

Vomited for more than 24 hours.

You have blood in your vomit.

You feel severe abdominal pain.

You have a headache and stiff neck.

They show signs of dehydration, such as dry mouth, frequent urination, or dark urine.

If you don’t have these symptoms and simply need a home remedy for nausea, here are some suggestions:

Wear loose clothing.

Use a cool mist humidifier or fan.

Take a break Fatigue can make nausea worse After meals, rest seated for an hour.

Stay hydrated. You may not feel thirsty, but fluid intake is important. Try small sips of cold, clear sodas. Avoid caffeine and alcohol..

Avoid strong smells: Smells like smoke, food, and perfume can exacerbate nausea.

Try going for a short walk or doing relaxation exercises before eating.

If you’re throwing up, try drinking small amounts of clear liquids every 15 minutes.

For morning sickness, vitamin B6 can help..

Here are some tips for managing food and drink:

Stay out of the kitchen while cooking, bring in meals or open a window while preparing food.

Drink liquids 30 to 60 minutes before or after meals.

Don’t force yourself to eat your favorite foods when you feel nauseous.

Eat slowly in a comfortable, well-ventilated area.

Try soft foods, crackers or toast that are easy to digest. You can try bananas, rice, applesauce and toast.

Eat more at the time of day you feel most comfortable eating, many people find the morning is best.

Avoid greasy or fried foods, sweet desserts, cookies, cakes, spicy or sour foods, strong-tasting foods, and gas-producing foods.

Rinse your mouth before and after meals and after vomiting.

Some people find relief from:

Ginger: It’s easy to chew ginger, try a natural ginger drink, or chop up some fresh ginger root and make tea with it..

Peppermint: Try a cup of peppermint tea.

Tea, clear soups, flavored jellies, ice cubes or nutritional supplements.

Heating pad: Hold the heating pad against your stomach for temporary relief, the heat can help relax your muscles. Be careful not to use it for a long time.

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