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Everything should improve

Bus and train will ensure a better public transport connection in Baar-Ebenhausen. In addition to the connection to Pfaffenhofen, Ingolstadt and Munich, connections to the other axes are also to be created. The photo shows an electronic display at the bus stop on Münchener Strasse in Baar-Ebenhausen. Photo: Konze

At its December session, the district council will adopt the local transport plan for the Pfaffenhofen district. The mayor of Baar-Ebenhausen, Ludwig Wayand, briefed the city councils on the upcoming changes during Tuesday’s meeting. In the future, local (free) school transport (SPNV) should be better interconnected with local transport (ÖPNV). This is intended to save costs and make better use of the buses. This should give everyone the opportunity to better reach their destination by bus and train, especially in relation to the different (closing) times of the schools.

At the moment, nothing will change about the bus connection to Ingolstadt. In the coming months, however, we will have to consider adjusting the times. From 2024, the half-hour train service between Munich and Ingolstadt will stop at Baar-Ebenhausen. The committee will also have to consider whether to adjust the bus departure times accordingly.

Changes are needed in the school transport sector

There will be eleven major axes in the county, Wayand explained. In the school transport sector, a lot of fine-tuning was needed. It’s inevitable that school start and end times can change across schools, says Wayand. However, there have already been contacts with schools, especially in the secondary sector. If these times are not postponed, it will cost the district (indirectly also to the municipalities) several million euros.

After the decision at the December district council meeting, everything necessary will be coordinated with the bus companies. The mayor explained to the municipal councils that solutions should also be created and found for the so-called flexible bus lines. These flexible on-call bus lines will operate by phone call or app request. Some bus lines, for example to Rohrbach, are being tested. If these are accepted, it will be followed up. If these are not accepted, any other axis connections will be created. The aim should be to connect the railway stations of the district to the public transport bus connections so that as many citizens as possible have the possibility to reach the connections with the cities by bus. They would be the stops at Baar-Ebenhausen, Rohrbach, Pfaffenhofen, Reichertshausen and Paindorf on the Ingolstadt – Munich railway line. Along the Regensburg – Ulm railway line, these would be the stops at Münchsmünster, Vohburg and Ernsgaden.

There will be a follow-up inspection in five years

Wayand sees a period of five years before the concept has been implemented to the extent that it can be said whether it will be accepted and to what extent the axes of the path make sense or need to be changed. At the district level, it remains to be determined whether the district will fully cover the costs of local public transport, which means that municipalities may have to pay higher allocations to cover the district budget, or whether municipalities will contribute directly to the costs.

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