Old or young, it doesn’t matter, everyone needs exercise, especially in today’s static way of life. Getting ourselves to move is not an easy task, but it might be easier if we see our neighbors, relatives, and villagers heading for the soccer field. This was the case on Kisapostag, where the residents of the settlement were invited to join the national action on the last day of May. There were no great expectations, light sports should be done for 15 minutes. Everyone only as much as they can handle. Nordic walking, badminton, jogging, headstand, soccer, jumping, who likes what. From 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., the villagers were waiting for the Challenge Day, a program organized by the Hungarian Leisure Sports Association, where all age groups were really represented. There were two organized programs, one yoga and one zumba, which the visitors to the program could join, but spontaneously created groups also moved together.
Mónika Kádár taught yoga and Zsófi Délczeg taught zumba. This was joined by Veronika Barkóczi, who, although her movement is limited, tried to do the exercises with the help of her walker. We spoke briefly.

– Although I couldn’t do all the exercises, I moved as much as I could. A little zumba, a little walk… During the dance, I could only step left and right, but the music was playing from the big speaker, it gave me strength. The boys passed the ball, several of them walked and ran. The whole program was very motivating and had a good atmosphere. I was tired, but I felt good.