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Everyone is summoned within four weeks

Over the next two weeks, Oslo will set 140,000 vaccine doses. The following two, the same. This amounts to 200,000 first-time doses and 80,000 second-time doses.

This means that everyone over 18 in the capital must have been offered at least the first vaccine injection within week 29. By offer is meant an SMS from the municipality, with the possibility of booking an appointment in the near future.

– Now the plug has finally come loose, and we vaccinate for full jugs, to put it popularly.

This is what a brilliantly satisfied and holiday-ready health councilor Robert Steen says to Dagbladet.

– We expect that everyone has received the offer by the end of week 29, so now it goes pretty fast. I think we can soon talk about the corona as something that was, and not something that is. It’s going to be delicious.

SATISFIED: Health councilor Robert Steen in Oslo thinks we can soon put the corona behind us. Photo: Lise Åserud / NTB
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The 25-year-olds last

Oslo is among a bunch of municipalities, which since the beginning of June have received 45 percent more vaccine deliveries, after the government decided to advocate radical skewed distribution.

Oslo is therefore a couple of weeks ahead of the trail than many municipalities nationally.

In FHI’s most recent vaccine scenario, which shows preliminary calculations for when the population has received the first and second dose nationally, the plan is for everyone over 18 to be vaccinated for the first time by week 31–32 – ie in early or mid-August, and a couple of weeks after Oslo.

In Oslo, the first stings have now been distributed to both the age group 18 to 24, and 40 to 44, and the districts are now working their way down the population in their 30s, and then further down. The 25-year-olds will receive the offer very last.

– Fortunately, it is not so long now. And we will send out an SMS for appointments with a one to two week horizon. So even though the 25-year-olds are last in line, it is only a couple of weeks until they are notified to book an appointment in the next few weeks. Then we actually start to finish, says Steen.

As there will be 12 weeks between the first and second dose, Steen therefore believes that the chances are good that everyone in the capital will be fully vaccinated during the autumn.

– But if we were to increase deliveries to Norway, then we might be able to cut down on time.

SEVERAL HUNDRED THOUSAND: Over the next four weeks, around 240,000 vaccine doses will be given in Oslo - most of them to people who will get the first bite.  Photo: Torstein Bøe / NTB

SEVERAL HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS: Over the next four weeks, around 240,000 vaccine doses will be given in Oslo – most of them to people who will receive the first bite. Photo: Torstein Bøe / NTB
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“Young” neighborhoods get the most

The districts of Ullern, Vestre Aker, Nordstrand, Østensjø and Nordre Aker are the ones that are so far in the best position with the vaccination.

With some variables, around 69 percent of the population over the age of 18 are vaccinated here.

The worst off are Grünerløkka, St. Hanshaugen, Old Oslo and Sagene, which have not reached 50 percent. But it has its natural explanations, says Steen.

– The reason is that the districts that have come the furthest have a much older population. It is the districts that are now the worst off that will receive most of the doses in the coming weeks. The plan is for all districts to be completed at about the same time, so now most doses go to the districts with a younger population, and the speed will be higher at, for example, Grünerløkka and St. Hanshaugen.

New reliefs

In the last 24 hours, only 25 new cases of infection have been registered in Oslo. That is 14 fewer than the same day last week.

After the major relief in mid-June, the city council wanted to await the further reopening by moving to national measures.

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But the numbers are going in the right direction, and from Monday 5 July, there is therefore room for further relief.

The city council already has the decision ready, says Steen.

– And we will probably insist on that. Then we move on to national measures. It’s been a while.

Not since the social closure of Oslo was introduced in November, have the capital’s residents been able to follow national regulations.

– It has been a difficult time for Oslo’s residents, but I feel that we have now put it behind us and enjoy summer and sun, Steen says.

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