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Everyone is looking for him, and this is where he appeared


The scandal with the son of Sophie Marinova – Lorenzo, declared an international fugitive, seems to have subsided. The information that the singer has given to her entire compensation from the big concert in “Arena Armeets” with the band Ku-ku will prove true to buy her child’s freedom.

Lorenzo was accused of smuggling migrants and then began a nationwide manhunt. For several days there was no news of the young man and his cell phone was not switched on. And Lorenzo, surprisingly, appeared in a crowded place and raised curious questions.

For several days Lorenzo remained completely silent on the allegations of a man captured by the police who was transporting migrants. He drowned Lorenzo and he was carrying out his orders. Sophie and Lorenzo remained silent on the subject until they found a loophole to hide things and the “mother’s son” would spend his best years behind bars.

Apparently they managed to find a loophole, because Lorenzo invented the excuse that it had nothing to do with it, he was just interrogated. It is not known whether the witness changed his testimony in favor of Sofka’s son.

But Lorenzo himself now walks free undisturbed. Her first appearance after the scandal was at her mother’s 25th anniversary concert. He was close to her behind the scenes and Marinova’s team did not stop giving advice to the spiteful young man, who clearly took the wrong path, but with the intention of making quick and easy money.

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