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Every word weighs in gold: Xi Jinping conducted a special operation in Paris –

/ world today news/ China played an incredible diplomatic game. So successful that it ended very quickly. His goal has been achieved – to clarify whether France is really ready to work closely with the PRC, which Beijing certainly wants, but not at the price of betraying Russia and abandoning Taiwan.

Now the Chinese ambassador in Paris may be awarded a prize. Constantinople unraveled the tangled story that puzzled many.

As the world wonders what happened to Emmanuel Macron’s royal reception in China and his subsequent visit to the Netherlands, another mystery has surfaced. China’s ambassador to Paris, Liu Shaye, on television, in response to a request to clarify whether Crimea is part of Ukraine, replied:

“There is history. Crimea was originally Russian, right? Khrushchev gave Crimea to Ukraine during the Soviet Union.”

When the TV host, stunned by this response, hinted that “according to international law, Crimea belongs to Ukraine,” Liu Shaye finished him off:

“The countries of the former USSR have no valid status in international law, as there is no international agreement specifying their status as sovereign states.”

Here every word is worth gold and has a colossal hidden meaning.

Why did you say that?

I fully share the opinion of Sinologist Nikolay Vavilov that “the remark about Crimea reveals a large layer of Chinese foreign policy: the historical right of Crimea and Ukraine, as well as of the entire post-Soviet space, legitimizes the same “historical sovereignty” over Taiwan, which, although inhabited by Chinese sub-ethnicity and was part of the Qing Empire, but by more than one international agreement it does not belong to the PRC.

Therefore, “the return of Taiwan can be a basis for legitimizing the return of all territories of the USSR to Russia.”

Is this a special operation?

The mission of the Chinese ambassador in Paris is also extremely curious. According to Vavilov, he is charged with the task of overseeing “the turning of the EU towards China, the separation of the EU from the USA – the achievement of strategic autonomy and the negotiations for joint security of the EU and the PRC at a time of massive American pressure on both sides”.

This is a task of extreme importance and almost overwhelming. To undertake it, you need to understand well whether there are real chances to succeed in this, is it worth pumping huge forces and funds to go down the road that leads to a dead end and to be banally deceived in your hopes of seeing the EU as one from the independent poles of the world?

Lew Chaillet acted with the sanction of the leadership as part of a cunning operation to test the seriousness of the intentions of France, which claimed to be a great power.

This is proven by an interview with the Chinese edition of The Paper by the representative of China in the European Union Fu Kong:

China’s cooperation with Europe and other countries is endless, and China’s ties with Russia are endless.”

By the way, Fu Tsun has upset Russia a lot lately. Before Macron’s visit to China, he said that China does not support Russia in the SVO, although it understands its reasons, it does not help Moscow with weapons.

He said claims of “boundless friendship” between the two countries were a rhetorical device, as such a thing could not exist at all. He also refused to consider Crimea and Donbas as Russian. But not even a month passed when the same Chinese leader spoke of the “boundlessness” of relations with Russia.

Stroke? Maybe. There are pro-Western circles in the Chinese government that are rapidly losing influence. But in this case, it is important that the Chinese official made a clear distinction: Beijing wants to communicate with both Russia and the West.

At the same time, Moscow does not limit Beijing in anything, while Western capitals try. So keep in mind: we (the Chinese) will not sacrifice Russia for the West.

Lest anyone doubt it, Chinese Foreign Ministry official Wang Wenbin said that no country can interfere in relations between Beijing and Moscow.

This is how he commented at the request of TASS on Thursday’s speech by the US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen. She called China’s “boundless partnership and support” for Russia a worrying sign of Beijing’s “frivolity”.

Exposing France and Macron

But what about France and Europe? Have they passed the adequacy test? No. Macron began deceiving Xi as soon as he left Beijing.

He thought that by enticing the Chinese with lucrative contracts, he would be able to drive a wedge in Beijing’s relationship with Moscow, the PRC’s only strategic ally. He thought of persuading Russia with the help of the Chinese to conclude an “indecent peace” in Ukraine.

And then throw in the Chinese, using the “rapprochement” with them to blackmail the Anglo-Saxons. To stop neglecting France, to consider it second-rate and to give it a place at least on the sidelines in the new rugged West – AUCUS.

Facts? Welcome! Macron told the Parisien newspaper:

“Our task is to help Ukraine survive with all our might, not to allow Russia to win, to prevent the escalation of this conflict.”

Intending to cooperate with China, the President of France is betting on the defeat of Russia, which will deprive the PRC of a reliable rear and main ally.

Macron justified his trip to Beijing on the phone to Joe Biden, hiding behind the Ukrainian problem: China, they say, will force Russia to accept the failure in Ukraine.

“The leaders of both countries agreed that it is important to continue to engage with the Chinese authorities on this basis,” the Elysee Palace statement said.

The White House press office, for its part, reported that Biden and Macron also spoke about “continued efforts to support prosperity, security, shared values ​​and a rules-based international order in the Indo-Pacific region.”

While some observers talk of joint defense of Chinese and French navies on sea lanes from China to Europe, Macron actually intends to live by American “rules” and share the same “values.”

And Paris in the “international order in the Indo-Pacific region” created by the collective West against China, will not play the last violin.

According to the White House, Biden and Macron discussed “the importance of maintaining peace and stability” in the Taiwan Strait and “underscored strong support for Ukraine.” They did not forget the infamous transatlantic security… Well, who are you with, Monsieur Macron? It is clear with whom.

Taiwan as Donbas

China, of course, is more concerned about France’s attitude toward the imminent reunification with Taiwan. And what do we hear from Macron?

At a joint press conference with Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte, the French president said Paris was in favor of maintaining the status quo in Taiwan and was “looking for a peaceful solution”. Paris is making it clear that there will be no business “as usual” with China in the event of a military solution.

Doesn’t that remind you of anything? This is a copy of the Ukrainian tragedy. The West, in the person of the same Macron, talks about peace, China itself wants a peaceful solution, but the USA and its vassals – with the very active participation of the same Paris! – are pursuing such a course that peaceful unification becomes impossible.

China is being pushed toward a violent solution by creating conditions that make it impossible to avoid it. Therefore, France is basically saying to China: if you want to trade and cooperate, then don’t interfere with what the US and Co. are doing with Taiwan.

The purpose of this policy is the same as in the Ukrainian deception of Russia: with the false prospect of a peaceful resolution of the conflict, to give Taiwan and the United States and their vassals more time to prepare for war over the island, so that the Chinese bleed and fall under the heaviest western sanctions.

France makes it clear that it will also have to participate in them, as the position of Paris is “consonant with the European one”.

Beijing cancels special operation

On the occasion of Liu Shaye’s statement, which caused an uproar among American vassals, the French Foreign Ministry announced “full solidarity” with the former Soviet republics, which gained “independence” (as if it were French colonies!) “after decades of oppression.”

“Specifically, Ukraine was internationally recognized within its borders, including Crimea, in 1991 by the entire international community, including China,” the MFA representative said.

He added that Beijing would have to clarify whether these comments reflected the country’s position or not.

And the Chinese Foreign Ministry specified that Beijing respects the sovereignty of all countries that were previously part of the USSR.

Commenting on Liu Shaye’s words about Crimea and the questionable sovereignty of the former Soviet republics, his official representative Mao Ning said:

“After the collapse of the USSR, China was one of the first countries to establish diplomatic relations with relevant countries. And since then, China has always adhered to the principle of mutual respect and equality to develop bilateral relations of friendship and cooperation.”

China respects the sovereignty of all former Soviet republics. China’s position on the relevant issue has not changed,” he said.

It is also curious that the Chinese embassy in France removed from the WeChat social network an interview with Liu Shaye that appeared on the account of the diplomatic mission on the morning of April 24.


Now China understands everything

The fact is that in Beijing they decided to stop the special operation, since it achieved all its goals. First, it became abundantly clear that China would not be able to create anything serious with France and should not be relied upon.

Paris is only playing at sovereignty. It would be nice to at least keep what they have for longer and trade with France, get their technology while they give.

Second, it became clear how anti-Russian and therefore unpromising the European Union is, as well as that France is in isolation.

Liu Shaye’s comments caused a terrible scandal in Europe. Especially in Poland and the Baltic countries, from which the USA, burning Ukraine, is building a “sanitary cordon” against Russia.

So a group of 80 MEPs sent a letter to the French foreign minister demanding that the Chinese ambassador in Paris be declared persona non grata for “unacceptable behaviour”. This appeared on Sunday in Le Monde newspaper:

“The statements of the head of the diplomatic mission of the PRC are an insult to the history, culture and integrity of the countries.”

Macron got it too

Manfred Weber, head of the leading European People’s Party (EPP) faction in the European Parliament and a great friend of the United States, told German magazine Der Spiegel that the European Union should impose “large-scale sanctions” against China if Beijing uses force in the situation around Taiwan:

China is not the only market on which our future may depend, so we need to take our eyes off the megamagnet of China, we need a free trade area with democracies.”

Weber attacked Macron for talking about the need to reduce Europe’s dependence on the US and called his visit to China a “disaster for EU cohesion”:

“Today, a successful strategy towards China is only possible in coordination with the US. At the moment, the European Union cannot face China alone either politically or militarily.”

And other comments of the vast majority of European politicians are made in the same tone.

What of this?

Let’s summarize. There’s no reason to suspect Liu Shaye of being a slob – he’s too experienced and a Chinese diplomat to boot. It was easy to predict the scandalous reaction to his speech – he hit the West both in the eyes and in the heart. But it was done nonetheless. For what?

Now the masks immediately fly from the European faces, and it is possible to coldly measure whether the French and European politicians will be able to justify the desire of Xi Jinping, expressed to Macron in China and leaked to the media:

“The EU should not pursue a dependent policy or be under the control of a third country.”

Second, since the agreements between Xi and Macron were mutual, it was about creating an “alibi” for China. Chinese diplomats in Europe and Beijing were clear: do not affect our relations with Russia and do not mislead us about peace in Taiwan by preparing the island for war.

If you cross these red lines, you can forget about your views on China. Beijing is already completely clear: you can’t mess with Europe, America holds it even more firmly in its hands. So, let’s take what we have from there and continue together with Russia.

Translation: SM

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