The gaming world has been buzzing with news about the impending closure of the Wii U and 3DS eShops. While some gamers are lamenting the loss of a beloved platform, one YouTuber has taken matters into his own hands. He decided to buy every single video game available in the eShops before they close for good. This epic shopping spree may have cost him a small fortune, but it’s a testament to his dedication and love for gaming. In this article, we’ll explore this YouTuber’s story and delve into what motivated him to make such an extravagant purchase.
A YouTuber known as The Completionist has spent more than $20,000 on video games in an effort to preserve them before the Nintendo Wii U and 3DS eShops are closed down. The move by Nintendo has alarmed game archivists who fear that many titles may become unavailable and be lost to history. The Completionist spent 328 days buying 866 Wii U games and 1,547 3DS titles, as well as DSiWare, Virtual Console releases and downloadable content. The result was a staggering 1.2 terabytes of data for the Wii U, and 267 gigabytes for the 3DS, or the equivalent of 2,136,689 blocks for the 3DS alone. The Completionist said he will donate everything he downloaded to the Video Game History Foundation, though the future of the digital content is still uncertain.
In conclusion, the decision to buy every single game on the Wii U and 3DS eShops before they close may seem excessive to some, but it is a wise investment for the popular YouTuber. With the future uncertain, his collection ensures that he can continue to create content for his viewers for years to come, no matter what happens to the online marketplaces. This move also shows the importance of valuing and preserving digital content, as it can often disappear without warning. As we say farewell to these eShops, let us appreciate the memories and experiences they have given us, and look forward to the future of gaming.