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Every second Austrian no longer has a nest egg: the economy

Car repairs, moving house, job loss – unexpected expenses can arise at any time, but many Austrians have hardly any savings left.

Anyone who has set aside a nest egg for such unexpected expenses is well advised. But almost half of all Austrians have less than 1,000 euros saved and available, too little to absorb any major problems. Almost one in ten have no savings.

This is the result of TeamBank AG’s liquidity barometer released on Tuesday. According to the company, 1,771 Austrians, representative of the local population, took part in this study via an online survey.

Good overview of finances

But there is also light on the shadow: one in two people (48 percent) knows how much money is left each month net of fixed costs. Another 45 percent know at least approximately. Only a tiny 7% don’t have a plan for their finances.

Read more: Egg nest in the crisis: you should save so much

“It is surprising that 55% of the over 50s know their budget precisely, but only 35% of the under 30s,” says TeamBank. The conclusion: “So the generation that has yet to accumulate its reserves is not exactly within the framework of its financial room for maneuver and cannot plan how much it can save each month.”

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