Home » today » Entertainment » Every second – at Vanga, every third – at Zhivkov, every fourth – at Dogan! – 2024-02-25 01:58:36

Every second – at Vanga, every third – at Zhivkov, every fourth – at Dogan! – 2024-02-25 01:58:36

/ world today news/ This is more or less the picture, if we put it together from the abundant interviews that the media bombard us with.

Obligatory questions for actors, singers, musicians, writers – have they been to Todor Zhivkov.

Here is a recent example – and Petko Petkov – “Tram No. 5”, answers the standard question of how many times Tato and the Politburo entertained. Everyone who was included in some program for the party elite was next to Zhivkov. Everyone danced with him, offered apartments and cars, who can tell you if it’s true – they must have craned their necks from thirty meters to catch a glimpse of him, but… Balls!

The other trivial question is about Vanga!

And there our cultural elite of the past walked. And one would think that Vanga dealt only with singers, writers, musicians and artists. And that’s nonsense.

And the other mandatory question for ex-Sotsa fans is whether they have known Dogan since then.

And the answer follows: Oh, of course, we were lying in the same cell! Calculating how many cellmates Falcon had, it turns out that his cell was at least three hundred square! Balls! Balls, but a story to be told, columns and minutes to be filled.

And the audience?

Well, paw, ducks, apples!

#Vanga #Zhivkov #fourth #Dogan

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