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“Everthing allright?” Coffee shop worker helps protect teenage girl via message on her coffee cup


An employee at a Starbucks store in Texas felt that a teenager in the coffee shop might be in danger. So she decided to write a message on her coffee cup. That reports The New York Post.

Source: The New York Post

“Is everything all right? Do you want us to intervene? If so, take the lid off the cup.” That’s what the barista wrote on the coffee cup of Brandy Selim Roberson’s 18-year-old daughter. Her daughter was approached by a man she didn’t know when she was studying in a coffee shop. “The man was very loud and enthusiastic,” the mom tells me The New York Post† The barista realized that something was not quite right and therefore decided to intervene. She brought the girl “an extra hot chocolate that someone forgot to pick up.” She wrote the message on the cup.

“That (the 18-year-old girl, ed.) looked up to see a line of employees staring at her – ready to intervene,” the mom says. But the teen informed staff that she was fine and that no action was required.

The mother said she hopes other companies will train their staff to do the same. “This confirms my faith in humanity,” she said. “Maybe just by seeing this story, others…if given the chance to say something or turn away, they would say something.”

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