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Events: Coronavirus Peru LIVE TODAY Wednesday July 1, 2020 | Latest news


However, he maintained that this measure will not apply to the regions of Arequipa, Ica, Junín, Huánuco, San Martín, Madre de Dios and Áncash, where mandatory social isolation is still maintained due to the rise of cases by COVID-19.


According to José Salardí, the deputy minister of MYPE and Industry, the resumption of work will be only for formal emollients registered by local authorities at the national level.


The emollients will be able to restart their work if they comply with the safety and health protocols given by the Executive to avoid more cases of COVID-19 infections, the Ministry of Production said on Wednesday.


PRODUCE: emollients will be able to restart work if they comply with health protocols


For this reason, he pointed out that the first thing that the COVID-19 Command is carrying out is taking various measures that allow it to “slow down the number of infections.” Also, that citizens be responsible when leaving their homes.


Mazzetti indicated that before the end of the confinement, he recognizes that many people will leave their homes to resume the activities they carried out before the pandemic. However, he commented that this could cause an increase in cases of COVID-19 infections.


After the start of the targeted quarantine, the head of the COVID-19 Operations Command, Pilar Mazzetti, maintained that if all people respect protection measures – such as the correct use of masks, social distancing and handwashing – in 15 days the number of hospitalized could stabilize.


Mazzetti: if we respect the protection measures, the number of hospitalized will stabilize


“We have determined what are the incomes not received by the companies that provide urban transport services. The intention is to guarantee that the service continues to be provided and to avoid that these cost overruns are transferred to the citizen ”, noted the minister


Transport and Communications Minister Carlos Lozada revealed that the transport subsidy will total S / 117 million and will go to 27 cities, including Metropolitan Lima and Callao, and another 26 in the interior of the country.


MTC: subsidy to carriers will be S / 117 million


From the Minka Shopping Center, in Callao, he recalled that, during the targeted quarantine that runs until July 31, social gatherings are still prohibited, otherwise the Police and the FF. AA. may intervene.


General César Astudillo, head of the Joint Command of the Armed Forces, reported this Wednesday that the military will be located at the points where there is the greatest influx of people to control the capacity in order to prevent infections by the new coronavirus.


Targeted quarantine: military will remain in public places to control gauging


General César Astudillo, head of the Joint Command of the Armed Forces, reported this Wednesday that so far at least 42 soldiers have died from the new coronavirus and approximately 1,600 are infected in the country.


COVID-19 PERU: At least 42 members of the Armed Forces have died of coronavirus


The prosecution found documentation that would prove that the municipality committed irregularities in the process of awarding basic baskets that Niisa Corporation won for S / 999,935.


One of them occurred in the offices of the Municipality of San Martín de Porres. The intervention was carried out on May 28 last after the commune did not respond to the Lima North Anticorruption Prosecutor’s Office about the complaints made by the residents of the district for the food that did not reach all of its recipients.


The High Complexity Crime Investigation Division (Diviac) and the Public Ministry have so far carried out 23 operations nationwide to collect documentation on alleged irregularities in the quotation, acquisition and distribution of basic baskets.


LIMA: Municipality of San Martín de Porres would have awarded baskets irregularly


On the other hand, the Ministry of Transport and Communications (MTC) will also have to issue a ministerial resolution, after the favorable opinion of the Ministry, authorizing the restart of land, air and river transport of people, at the national level.


In the case of restaurants, the Ministry of Production (Produce) must issue a ministerial resolution defining its opening date, with the prior approval of the Ministry of Health (Minsa) and the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism (Mincetur).


The Government published the supreme decree approving phase 3 of the resumption of economic activities. And although the rule authorizes the operation of restaurants and inter-provincial transport, they will be on hold, while the corresponding sector adjusts the last details.


Phase 3 of the economic revival: what activities are allowed from today and which should they wait for?


The agreement establishes a flat rate of S / 55,000, not counting the IGV, for each patient referred to a private clinic in case of COVID-19. The payment includes “all costs and all services”, regardless of the length of the internment.


The service that the private clinics will provide consists of caring for seriously ill patients with COVID-19 in the intensive care unit and connecting them to a mechanical ventilator.


In a statement, the Ministry explained that the Ricardo Palma, San Juan Bautista, San Pablo, Jesús del Norte, San Gabriel, San Felipe, Anglo Americana, Internacional, San Borja, San Pablo (Huaraz), San Pablo (Arequipa) and San Pablo (Trujillo) reached an agreement with the Comprehensive Health Insurance (SIS).


The Ministry of Health (Minsa) reported that 12 private clinics agreed to sign contracts to provide care for severely coronavirus patients (COVID-19).


Coronavirus in Peru: some 12 private clinics agreed to sign contracts to care for patients with COVID-19


The concessionaire stressed that it will continue to apply a strict sanitary protocol, in compliance with the provisions of the Ministry of Health, in order to guarantee the safety of its collaborators and road users.


Rutas de Lima, the concessionaire of the Panamericana Norte and Sur highways, announced that it will restart on July 1 the collection of tolls in the booths that are under its administration.


Rutas de Lima will resume toll collection today in Panamericana Sur y Norte


In Management Resolution No. 96-2020-MML / GMU, published today in the legal regulations bulletin of the newspaper El Peruano, changes in the dates of implementation of truck circulation conditions are gradually established. (Find out HERE )


The truck changes focus primarily on the implementation of three macro zones.


On day 108 of the state of emergency due to coronavirus, the Municipality of Metropolitan Lima ordered amendments to the rule that regulates the movement of cargo trucks and / or merchandise in the capital.


Cargo transportation: they modify the schedule for the movement of vehicles through macro-zones


What indicators would have led to including these 7 regions on the “waiting list”? (Find out more HERE )


CORONAVIRUS PERU: How much has contagion increased in the regions where the quarantine continues?


In the Digemid Observatory it appears that the paracetamol of 10 milligrams in injection has a price in pharmacies from 20 soles.


In dialogue with América Noticias, the man indicated that he recalled that he was charged that amount when he admitted a family member through the emergency area, in December 2018.


A citizen, identified as Miguel Ugaz, reported that at the Good Hope clinic in Miraflores, he was charged S / 1,183 for seven 10-milligram paracetamol injectables.


MIRAFLORES: they denounce that Good Hope clinic charged S / 1,183 to a patient for seven paracetamol injectables


In accordance with sanitary protocols, the burgomaster’s temperature was taken when entering the premises on the day it opened its doors to the public. Then, he toured the facilities and offered his opinion on the change of heading of the owners of the Vale Todo / Down Town nightclub.


The mayor of Miraflores, Luis Molina, visited this Tuesday the new minimarket Vale Todo / Down Town, located in the building where the disco of the same name previously operated.


ECONOMIC REACTIVATION: Minimarket Vale Todo / Down Town opened its doors to the public on Tuesday

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