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Events: Coronavirus Peru LIVE | Official data and latest news TODAY mart


The Provincial Municipality of Huancayo closed the Modelo market for 15 days, due to the health risk it represents, after a security guard died last Sunday at the door of the supply center with some symptoms from alleged COVID-19.


HUANCAYO: Model market closed for 15 days due to health risk


Infected police officers will have to comply with home isolation, in order to prevent the spread of the disease. The entity specified that a total of 50 serological tests were applied in the aforementioned police department.


The Regional Health Directorate (Diresa) Cajamarca reported yesterday that 14 police officers from the Mollepampa police station, in Cajamarca, tested positive for COVID-19 after undergoing rapid diagnostic tests for coronavirus.


CAJAMARCA: Diresa reports that 14 police officers from the Mollepampa police station tested COVID-19 positive


This document establishes provisions that these businesses must follow to operate, in the context of the coronavirus pandemic. (Read the protocol HERE )


The Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism (Mincetur) published today the “Sectoral Health Protocol before COVID-19 for categorized hostels and lodging establishments not classified or categorized with proof of affidavit.”


ECONOMIC REACTIVATION: Hostel protocol provides for the mandatory use of a mask during the stay of guests


In an interview with RPP, Céspedes stated that so far only one person, a victim of COVID-19, has come directly to a clinic and then his case was regularized, but that to date the SIS has not yet transferred any serious patient, as indicated in the agreement.


The spokesperson for the association of private clinics, Sebastián Céspedes, reported this morning that 10 days after the agreement between the Ministry of Health (Minsa) and private establishments, the Comprehensive Health Insurance (SIS) has not derived any serious case from COVID -19 to 16 clinics.


Clinic association spokesperson states that 10 days after the agreement the SIS has not transferred cases with COVID-19


The head of the Intelligence and Data Analysis Unit of Essalud, Dante Cersso, reported that the virus and the number of infections has moved to the center and south of the country.


According to the “Heat Map” tool of the aforementioned institution, a similar situation is registered in northeastern Peru, where the Cajamarca region leads the ranking with 57 , and San Martín with 53.3.


The Social Security Health (Essalud) reported that, in the last two weeks, Huánuco, Ayacucho, Tacna and Moquegua are the regions that presented the highest percentage of active cases of COVID-19, with 56.9%, 40%, 39.5% and 36.6% respectively


CORONAVIRUS PERU: Essalud Heat Map records an increase in COVID-19 cases in the southern and central regions of the country


“We have been analyzing all these days since the removal of the quarantine was carried out and we moved to a focused quarantine. We have been evaluating how the pandemic has been developing, yes there is a small and slight increase that is manageable so far. We will continue evaluating to see over the weekend which are the contagion rates that have increased ” remarked.


Speaking to América Noticias, he noted that there is a slight increase in the spread of this virus, but that it is manageable for the authorities.


Defense Minister Walter Martos said Tuesday that the Executive is evaluating the effects of the targeted quarantine that began on July 1 as part of actions to mitigate the spread of the new coronavirus (COVID-19) in the country.


Martos on targeted quarantine: “There is a slight contagion that is manageable, but we do not see an intense outbreak”


The antibodies they generated will be transfused into moderate patients so that they do not need assisted breathing. (Find out more HERE )


The essay “Peru with Plasma” which has been approved by the National Institute of Health, the governing body for this type of human testing initiated the call for at least 100 recovered people who have been hospitalized for COVID-19.


Convalescent plasma against COVID-19: this is how the clinical trial will be conducted in Peru


“The difference is due to the exposure time you are going to have. Let’s say in an hour of travel or an hour and a half that is the longest nationwide by plane, the probability of a person presenting any symptoms during the trip is less than an 8, 10 to 24 hour trip that we have to some areas of the country, so that’s the difference. For this reason, the use of face shield is requested to create barriers to possible contagion ”, he said for TV Peru during the presentation of the plan “Safe trip”


The Vice Minister of Transport, Carlos Estremadoyro, explained on Tuesday that the demands on air and land transport differ due to the duration of the trips. This, after the Association of Interprovincial Bus Owners, disagreed with the measure that requires a polyethylene division to be placed between the seats of the buses to prevent the spread of coronavirus.


MTC clarifies that requirements for air and ground transportation are differentiated by the duration of the trip


Alexandro Saco Valdivia, executive director of Health Promotion, informed this newspaper that this measure allows reinforcing the first level of care and bringing its services closer to the most vulnerable population. (Know HERE the COVID points )


In order to reduce the spread of the new coronavirus (COVID-19) and lessen the impact of the pandemic in the country, the Ministry of Health (Minsa) implemented 158 COVID points to rule out this disease in Metropolitan Lima.


MINSA: these are the more than 100 COVID points in Lima where coronavirus can be ruled out


These measures include, for example, that the premises must respect a maximum capacity of 40%, place several disinfection points in the room, keep the recreation areas closed, buffet and enable the terraces, among other open spaces. (Find out all the measures HERE )


The Government ordered that from July 20 the restaurants can receive diners. The premises must meet a series of requirements in order to avoid the outbreak of coronavirus.


ECONOMIC REACTIVATION: Smaller restaurants with difficulties in the beginning of attention in salons


However, despite being healthy, he indicated that these people should isolate themselves for 14 days and establish as little contact as possible with other people in their environment. (Read the recommendations HERE )


According to the statement from the Ministry of Health (Minsa), these people are called asymptomatic, and they represent approximately 80% of the contagion cases in Peru and the world.


One of the characteristics of the new coronavirus is that the person who is infected may not present any symptoms (fever, dry cough, shortness of breath), although they have the ability to transmit the virus.


MINSA: these are the care that asymptomatic patients must comply with

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