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Event: Book presentation “Influence”

What influence can I exert as an individual? And on what? How much influence can I have on others? And who actually influences me? The authors answer these and many other questions from their respective professional experience in the book “Influence”. We always have a choice about how we shape our environment. We must become aware of our own effectiveness and take responsibility for our actions. By standing up for our beliefs and critically reflecting on them, we create meaning in our lives – individually and collectively. And in doing so, we exert a positive influence.

In this book, five people tell in very personal texts and based on their different professions and biographies how they exert influence and the considerations that guide them in doing so. They also describe where they themselves experience powerlessness. And yet the central message of the book to every reader is to allow ourselves to get involved, to act and thus to shape things. All authors have reflected on their balance between power and powerlessness: the psychologist and advertiser Johanna Knaus, the art historian and curator Simon Mraz, the management consultant, agricultural economist, teaching supervisor and sculptor Sabine Pelzmann, Florian Schlemmer, specialist in paediatrics and adolescent medicine and last but not least Carola Schneider, Austrian journalist and head of the ORF correspondent office in Moscow.

We cordially invite you to the exclusive book presentation of “Influence” in the Styria Media Center. The authors will all be there and will report on their very personal experiences.

Register now for the book presentation!

Deadline: Tuesday, September 10, 2024, 6 p.m.

Wo: Small Newspaper Skyroom, Gadollaplatz 1, 8010 Graz

Danger: The number of participants is limited. You will receive written confirmation of your participation.

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