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EVENING NEWS. Hair horoscope – nra.lv

There are different ways to describe a person by looking at their hairstyle. We tend to say: it has a lion’s mane, doesn’t it? And it turns out that in this person’s horoscope, the Leo constellation really plays a decisive role. We have noticed that one likes long hair, the other likes a short and neat hairstyle. One lady is fond of curls, while another changes her hair color several times a year. For some reason, one chooses to be blonde for a long time, another – suddenly repaints the head ornament in blue-black or bright green. Where else are those who willingly choose a boy’s head… And there are quite a lot of men who tie their long hair in a ponytail or braid it.

What guides us in choosing the hairstyle we like best for ourselves (and maybe for those around us)? We offer an entertaining horoscope that could be attributed to a paraphrase of the saying (not) judge a man by his hairstyle…

Politician Artis Pabriks

Singer Samantha Tina


Aries are very demanding and value their appearance, one might say, even touchy. Their high demands also apply to the hairstyle. Aries always look neat and stylish and most often choose natural, curly hair as their trademark (if it is flexible from birth). They rarely agree to experiment with a hairstyle – if they have found a haircut to be the most suitable, then they do not change it for a long time. The most important condition: that the haircut should be comfortable and that the hairstyle does not require a long time – this is the requirement of both men and women. They mostly choose a short and trendy hairstyle. Men prefer a haircut a few millimeters long or, as people say, a hedgehog, while women prefer either a short haircut or long, naturally flowing hair. Aries’ priority is classic and sporty style.

Singer Intars Busulis

Ex-politician Einars Repše


Bulls treat their hair very carefully and change their hairstyle cautiously, considering comfort and perfect hairdo as the most important criteria. They are unlikely to choose bouncy and screaming, ultra-modern and exclusive hairstyles, rather something classic: a square or medium-length cut for straight hair. Bangs, bows and perms do not excite Taurus. However, they tend to be fond of hair dyeing, so don’t be surprised if during the week you see a cacophony of colors on the head of the representative of this zodiac sign – at the beginning of the week, the Taurus lady can be blonde, then brunette, and finally redhead. Bulls like a simple hairstyle, but it will be complemented by a stylish buckle or some other accessory, for example, in the shape of a flower. In their daily routine, Taurus will not wear their hair in a ponytail, and in this look they can go everywhere – both to work and to the theater.

Actress Marilyn Monroe

Musician Paul McCartney


Twins have been created by mother nature as bright and expressive people, and they are almost always satisfied with what has already been laid in the cradle. Including appearance. Geminis rarely agree to experiment with their hair, but they are also not willing to collect the head ornament in a simple ponytail or bun. They like flowing, free-falling, medium-length hair, easy to style hairstyles. It is important that the hairstyle is universal and that Gemini can style it as needed – depending on the weather or mood or outfit. Well, Gemini does not know in the evening what kind of hairstyle he will want in the morning or even after a couple of hours. Gemini men also often like to ignore the requirements of business etiquette and grow longer hair.

Prince William

Former German Chancellor Angela Merkel


Cancers take care of their head jewelry like no other. It can almost be said that Cancers tremble and tremble for their hair and are ready to give up half the kingdom for their health. It is surprising that Cancers have not yet counted how many hairs they have and how many days natural selection gives in – they fall out. They often visit the hairdresser. Cancers often choose smooth, even “licked” hairstyles, short hair. Both straight hair and a gradual cut complemented by colored strands are suitable for Cancer ladies. For festive moments, Cancers prefer to style their locks with gel or varnish. However, it may happen that it is Cancer men who surprise with a stylish comb-type hairstyle, which gives them a special charm.

Basketball player Kristaps Porzingis

Singer Madonna


Leos are such self-confident people that they do not need to remind others of their attractiveness. They also treat the hairstyle in the same way – coolly. And they visit the hairdresser out of necessity – when they can’t otherwise. Leos have strong and beautiful hair, they are comfortable with messy, unruly hair, so they choose an appropriate hairstyle and know how to wear it. It decorates them. Leos should not dye their beautiful hair with chemical treatments – perms and dyeing, so many Leos choose natural hair color or return to it over time, because it cannot be confidently asserted that no dark-haired Lioness has tried bleaching her mane. Leo women often choose thick hairstyles, a gradual cut. Some Leo men like to wear their hair in a ponytail or braid.

Prince Harry

Writer Agatha Christie


Virgins mostly say yes to the classics and rarely accept the challenge of experimenting with hair. If you dye your hair, you don’t put anything flashy in it – “normal”, colors close to natural tones. Afraid to spoil her current image, Virgo often misses great opportunities to change her haircut or create a different hairstyle. If at least once they tried something unprecedented, Virgos would have every opportunity to become supporters of an unusual, quite eye-catching style. Female order Virgos are perfectly suited to a boy’s head, with which they look unusually soft and feminine. However, men can make a masculine and even brutal impression with long hair. For virgins, a gradual cut and a simple hairstyle are suitable.

Journalist, politician Dainis Ivāns

Politician Inese Lībiņa-Egnere


Libra always looks like they’ve been invited to an almost perfect dinner. They are true fashionistas and will never give up the most fashionable haircut and the most glamorous hairstyle. Libras are exactly those people who are able to get up an hour earlier every morning to wash their hair and do it neatly. Scales should not choose a short cut, they are suited to a gradual or cascade type cut. Libra ladies might like toned hair in strands, where the darker shades (for example, at the roots) fade into the lighter ones (at the ends). Such a style should once again confirm the originality of Libra.

Actor Marcis Manjakovs

Member of the Saeima Ieva Brante


Scorpios cannot immediately accept that changes in appearance should start with hair. When they are mature for this step and are ready to change their image, then they are able to act very boldly. There are no limits to their fantasy – the hair can turn blue or green, an Iroquois hairstyle can appear on the head, or even a bald man can surprise those around him, because the entire head ornament is shaved off unexpectedly. Scorpio, with amazing tenacity, experiments all his life in search of his image. It’s no wonder that Scorpios’ hair color can change even a few times a month. They are not afraid that it could harm their health. Hairstyles with long, curly hair are very suitable for Scorpio women, but straightened, laminated hair is just as good. Braids and similarly braided hair suit Scorpios. Men are fans of the classic style and most often choose accurate, unobtrusive hairstyles.

Former State President Vaira Vīke-Freiberga

Politician Maris Kučinskis


Sagittarians need freedom in everything. Of course, this should also apply to the hair. They will not be at peace if a neat, neatly styled hairstyle is requested. It happens that Sagittarius can start teaching a hairdresser how to cut hair. They know better what is needed and what fits! These are people who like to experiment, but mostly within the framework of a sporty style. They are suited to medium-length hair, to which the Sagittarians themselves give sloppily mixed hairstyles in the process of creating impressions. They like it to look like a hurricane has torn through their hair. The main thing is that each hair is not exactly set in its place. It is not uncommon for a Sagittarius to have an asymmetric haircut that covers half of his face. Because, according to Sagittarius, the more beautiful the hairstyle, the better he feels and is ready to move mountains. It’s no wonder that with such an attitude Sagittarius succeeds in life – winners own the world!

Lawyer, former US First Lady Michelle Obama

Actor Imants Strad


It is unlikely that we will see conservative Mežazis with a bright and unusual hairstyle or with hair dyed in different shades. More often they wear straight hair and a classic cut like a square. The hair is styled accurately, no loose curls. Each hair is exactly where it should be. Capricorns will not allow chaos on their heads. Their attitude towards hair is similar to that of the army – freedom of thought must be fought and orders must be obeyed. Capricorns choose such a haircut so that the forehead is covered. Forest ladies want a simple haircut, so that it can be arranged easily and quickly and so that it does not cause tangles at the most inopportune moment. Capricorns, if they have long hair, often hide it under a scarf or other head covering. Gentlemen of the forest are strong supporters of the classic style and say “no” to very, very short or too long hair.

Artist Yoko Ono

Politician, musician Vents Armands Krauklis


Aquarians love to be the center of attention and surprise everyone with their appearance, especially with new and challenging hairstyles. Both women and men like to wear long hair, Aquarians are very often ready to straighten their curly hair. They are proud of the head ornament given by nature and often don’t want to dye their gray hair at all – be that as it may, it is important to be natural. Extravagant and original braids and unusual hairstyles suit Aquarians. The hair can even completely cover the eyes, and the person seems to be looking at the surroundings just like a Yorkshire terrier. Aquarius sneezes at such judgments – it doesn’t matter that the hair reaches to the chin, as long as it is different from the others. Anything that shocks or surprises the majority of society will suit Aquarians just fine.

Politician Dalia Grībauskaite

Lilita Zatler, spouse of former President Valdas Zatler


Pisces like to look decent, so they spend a lot of time on hair care and styling. This is even surprisingly good for Pisces, thanks to their exceptionally obedient hair. Pisces often change their style, moreover, cardinally – from a classic cut to unimaginable experiments, but then – as if nothing had happened – they return to the classics again. Long and straight hair, a square or a gradual cut are suitable for fish. Fish tend to tie their hair in a tail or braid it in two braids. Pisces often try out different hair colors, and here too they act cardinally – turning from platinum blonde Marilyn into fiery Carmen. No halftones and middle ground…

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