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EVENING NEWS. “Excuse me, but could you tell me where to get the money?”; Jokes for a funnier mind

Anecdotes prepared from the magazine “Vakara Ziņas”.

The husband is engrossed in his smartphone during lunch. Wife:

– Mom called.

– That’s good!

– I should buy my daughter a new jacket!

– Let’s buy!

– You should bring the jams from the cottage!

– Let’s bring it!

– And you have to help your sister with the car!

– I will help!


– Have you been to your lover’s for a long time?

– Sen!


When the wife sent the clerk to the store, he couldn’t resist and put 20% of the purchase amount in another pocket.


– Excuse me, but would you mind telling me where to get the money?

– You need to work!

– I go to work every day! They are not there!


He who does not curse at the wheel does not follow the traffic.


A gentleman notices an ad “Talking dog for sale”. For interest, he goes to the owner. This brings out the dog, who sits down and gives a polite greeting. The gentleman asks:

– How did you learn to speak?

– Self-study! I will not say that it was easy, but what has come easily to me in this life. When I was young, I worked as a rescuer in the Alps – I searched for people buried under avalanches. Later, I signed a contract with the armed forces and ran right into the Iraq war. I was with sappers, where my task was to find and neutralize explosives. He was not lucky once. The mine exploded and I spent three weeks in intensive care!

The gentleman turns to the owner in shock:

– Why are you selling such a wonderful dog?!

– Because he lies all the time! He has not been to any Iraq!


An old country woman lies on her deathbed and asks to be brought a cup of her goti’s milk. Grandchildren bring, but shoot a little whiskey. The next day, the same thing happens again, only the grandchildren increase the dose of whiskey, and so it goes on for a whole week, until the old woman is served a cup of pure whiskey. She drinks it, gets up and says:

– Don’t you dare sell my cow!


Until the invention of the Internet, people were thought to be stupid because of a lack of information. It was, of course, a mistake.


The life of a garden owner is a constant struggle against the neighbors’ children who consider your garden their own, and your own children who consider your garden a stranger.


Just because a girl doesn’t remember where she put her rubber band doesn’t mean she doesn’t remember what you said last Thursday at 5:43 p.m.


– I would like a pet: dog, cat…

– Think well. A pet is for life. Maybe try marriage first?


Why does my wife buy hangers from Ikea if she has nothing to wear?


There’s nothing more annoying than everything on a Monday!


When the examinee asked if she would get a driver’s license, the instructor, swimming to the shore, answered: “No!”


A couple already had two daughters, but the husband really wanted a son as well. And finally the wife became pregnant and gave birth to a healthy boy. The husband happily enters the ward and sees that the boy is extremely ugly. Above:

– It is not possible! You have already given birth to two beautiful daughters for me, but now you are so ugly! You must have cheated on me!

– Not this time…


The gentleman walks into the bar and orders a beer. Bartender:

– One cent from you.

– One cent? Can not be! And how much is a steak with fries and salad?

– Five cents.

– I don’t believe it! There is an error! Where is the bar owner?

– Upstairs with my wife.

– What is he doing up there with your wife?

– The same as I with his business at the bottom!


John is lying on his deathbed, his wife sitting next to him. John in a weak voice:

– Considering that I’m dying, I have to tell you something first!

– No need, sleep peacefully!

– But I need to ease my heart before leaving!

– I think it’s not worth it!

– And yet. I have to tell you that I slept with your sister. And her girlfriend. And with your mother and her friend too.

– I know! As I said – sleep peacefully and let the poison do its job!


– What did your wife say to you when she caught you with the neighbor?

– Neko!

– Neko?

– Yes! And those front teeth were already crumbled.

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