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Even though they fly together, the birds don’t collide with each other, what’s the secret, huh?

Bobo.id – Each year, certain types of animals will do migration to a warmer place.

The purpose of migration this is for foraging, when the area of ​​their habitat enters winter.

One of which is bird who do migration to a warmer place.

When migrating, bird will fly with his flock or group.

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Birds will migrate from the northern hemisphere to the warmer southern hemisphere.

Uniquely, even though the birds fly in groups with the flock, the birds do not collide with other birds.

Come on, find out the secret of these birds not to collide with each other while flying and migrating!

Birds Always Fly in the Same Direction

Birds cover a long distance when migrating, which is 15,000 km which lasts about 50 – 70 days.

To find out why flying birds never collide during migration, researchers from the University of Queensland, Australia conducted a study.

This research was conducted on 10 parakeets by arranging the birds at opposite ends in a tunnel and passing 102 flight loops.

Of the 102 flights made by birds, not a single bird collided, friends.

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Birds that fly in flocks

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Apparently, the secret that birds have so they don’t collide with each other is because birds always fly to the right when there is a collision with other birds.

Apart from flying towards the right to avoid a collision, they will also change their flying altitude, so they are not at the same altitude level.

It is estimated that the position of each bird in the flock may also have an effect on the bird’s flying height, but this still requires further research.

Birds Also Form the Letter V when Flying in Groups

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Migratory birds are looking for a warmer place


Migratory birds are looking for a warmer place

Apart from flying without colliding with each other, flocks of birds will also form a unique formation, here.

If friends pay attention, flocks of birds will fly in the formation of the letter V, lo.

This formation is not carelessly made by birds, but has an important function for birds,

By forming the letter V, it will help the bird to fly for a longer time.

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Birds that are in the very front position will flap their wings and blow the wind to the birds behind them.

Well, this gust of wind will help the birds that are behind it so that they no longer need to spend extra energy to flap their wings.

With the help of this wind, a flock of birds can even cover a distance of 71 percent compared to when they are not flying with the flock.

Oh yes, when flying, they will also work together, namely the bird in the back will replace the bird in the front if the bird in the front is tired.

Watch this video too, let’s go!


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