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Even though there are vaccines, the Covid-19 Health Protocol must be implemented

Jakarta, Beritasatu.com The Covid-19 vaccine has begun to be distributed from its producers to various countries including Indonesia. The arrival of the vaccine is certainly good news because this is a step forward for the prevention of Covid-19.

However, Indonesia Technical Advisory Group on Immunization (ITAGI) reminded that vaccines are not the last solution to the Covid-19 pandemic. A person who has been vaccinated is not free from the risk of infection Covid-19 if the health protocol (protkes) is ignored. Therefore, people are urged to continue implementing 3M, namely wearing masks, maintaining distance and always washing their hands with soap until this pandemic ends.

Member of the National Immunization Expert Advisory Committee from ITAGI, Prof. Soedjatmiko, said that vaccination creates immunity for individuals and groups (herd immunity). When vaccination reaches 70% of the target population, the virus is difficult to reproduce and dies after a long period of time. This will inhibit transmission, reduce deaths, and hasten the end of the pandemic.

When someone is given the vaccine Covid-19 not immune immediately. Immunity or new antibodies protect effectively after 2 weeks. Antibodies rise in the cells of the body and in the blood of people who have been vaccinated. When the virus enters the body’s cells and blood, it is neutralized by antibodies and then dies. Those who have been vaccinated will not get sick.

However, if the virus sticks to hands, masks, clothes, jackets, helmets, and other objects, there is still a risk of spreading to other people who have not been immunized.

“So even though you have immunized you must still wear a mask, wash your hands with soap, keep your distance or not crowd until the pandemic has subsided,” said Soedjatmiko at a dialogue regarding vaccination preparation held by the Committee for Handling Covid-19 and National Economic Recovery (KPCPEN), Wednesday (2 / 12/2020).

According to Soedjatmiko, an effective prevention is to apply 3M plus vaccination. He explained that the corona virus enters through the nose, mouth and eyes. Continue to enter the cells of the airways, lungs, digestion, and blood. At first, the complaints are not specific, but over time the virus can damage the lungs, blood vessels, heart, kidneys, and eventually the patient can die. In various worlds, the most vulnerable groups to be infected with Covid-19 are 19 to 59 years. In Indonesia, nearly 80% of positive patients are aged 19-59 years. Most of them died or 60.4% at that age.

This is one reason why vaccinations Covid-19 in the early stages only for ages 18-59 years. In addition, because in all countries the highest number of positive cases is in the age range 18-59 years, the proposol for Covid-19 vaccine research from phase 1 to phase 3 is also only carried out in that age group. So the vaccine cannot be used for ages under 18 years and over 59 years.

“But if at least 70% of the 18-59 year olds are vaccinated, then automatically those over 59 and under 18 years of age are protected. This is herd immunity. But with 3M still so as not to be infected, “said Soedjatmiko.

For ages under 18 and over 59 years, according to Soedjatmiko, there are vaccines currently in phase 1 and phase 2 clinical trials in several countries. The results are still awaiting official scientific publication. Therefore, in order for those who have not been vaccinated to be infected, protkes must still be implemented.

Soedjatmiko added, Covid-19 victims are increasing. Until the end of October 2020, around 190 health workers had died. They are 160 doctors and 130 nurses and other medical personnel. Since November there have been 5,000 positive cases per day, and 100 people died per day. Therefore, apart from vaccines, people must take care of their health so they don’t get infected.

Safe Vaccines
The government through the Ministry of Health (Kemkes) is finalizing readiness for the implementation of Covid-19 vaccination. Which type of vaccine will be used in Indonesia, the government will decide. One of them is the Sinovac vaccine, which is currently in phase 3 clinical trials in Bandung.

This vaccine, according to Soedjatmiko, has been confirmed safe. Because it will not get to phase 3 if phase 1 and phase 2 do not pass. Before the phase 3 clinical trial in Bandung, vaccines Covid-19 from Sinovac through preclinical trials. At this stage the vaccine was injected into the monkeys at a higher dose, and it was proven safe. Then entered the phase 1 clinical trial from April to May 2020 with 143 adult subjects in China. The volunteers were given the injection twice and monitored for 14 days. After 14 days, a post-immunization follow-up (AEFI) occurred but was mild, such as pain and lethargy, but a few days disappeared. At this stage the immunity generated was only 46%.

Then allowed to the phase 2 clinical trial in May to June on 600 adults in China. AEFI after 14 days of mild, pain, diarrhea, lethargy, and a few days gone. Immunity or antibody generated after 14 days was 92% positive.

Because phase 1 and phase 2 were safe, with the permission of China’s National Regulatory Authority and the Indonesian National Food and Drug Agency, it was continued to phase 3 clinical trials at Padjajaran University, Bandung from August to November on 1,620 adults. So far it is reported to be safe and creates immunity. AEFI only causes fever, pain, weakness in some people, and goes away within a few days. Antibodies or immunity 98% chance. The Sinovac vaccine is also in clinical trials in Brazil, Turkey, and Chile, Saudi Arabia, Bangladesh.

“The question so far is whether vaccines are safe? Those who don’t understand say a poison vaccine. The proof is that since 1974 we have been doing vaccines, and every year there are 22 million children who are routinely immunized, there is no problem, “said Soedjatmiko.

Source: BeritaSatu.com

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