Home » today » World » Even the Russian papalists are already complaining about mobilization raids. Putin’s adviser too

Even the Russian papalists are already complaining about mobilization raids. Putin’s adviser too

“I thought the raid stories were fake, but I’ve been briefed by people I personally know and trust completely.” he has declared Kirill Kabanov, member of President Vladimir Putin’s Human Rights Advisory Council. Kabanov reported on a case in which police took away a worker from a transportation company during a subway raid on people who avoided military service.

“Comrades leaders, do you realize that you are committing injustices and creating hostility in society towards everything that is going on? Such behavior causes more damage than Ukrainian propaganda “, Kabanov stressed, asking the prosecutor to check everything.

You can’t take everyone out on the street and then see if they meet the criteria

Senator Andrej Klišas

Russian Senator Andrei Klišas, according to Russian media, described the raids that police organize against mobile men on the streets of Russian cities, in transport and public buildings as illegal. Social networks reported raids in Moscow and St. Petersburg in the previous days.

“You can’t take everyone out on the street and then find out at the headquarters of the military administration if the citizen meets the criteria for mobilization,” he said. He pointed out that men are even taken to the recruiting center and only there is it determined whether they meet the criteria. According to him, this is unacceptable.

MP: The instructors are wasting time with them

According to the state agency TASS, official ombudsman Taťjana Moskalkova, who had previously achieved the rank of general in the police, also complained about the “wrong” recruitment of reservists into the army. According to her, most Russians want to volunteer to enlist, which is why she humiliates them when they come to them with a draft order at night.

Raid against men in St. Petersburg. The mobilization commandos are hiding in the entrances of the houses


Meanwhile, MP Maxim Ivanov reported that around seven hundred mobilized soldiers had to be sent home from the Jelan garrison training center in the Urals due to poor health or due to mishaps during the mobilization. “There are more and more justified questions about the quality of the work of military administrations,” said the deputy, according to whom the shortcomings mentioned mean a waste of time for the military instructors they could devote to training.

Moscow MP Kirill Shchitov complained to the TASS agency that his son had been ordered to report to the military administration, like all men of military age, as part of the partial mobilization at the entrance to the subway. The deputy turned to the military prosecutor to clarify whether this procedure is in accordance with the law. Shhitov is a member of the security committee of the Moscow Diet and the city’s professional committee. His son is 18 years old and had a full-time student card with him, which does not apply to mobilization.

“Shoot” the officers

Deputy of the Duma Sergei Morozov again caused a stir when he said that the officers responsible for the deaths of several men mobilized from Chelyabinsk should be “executed”. He later explained that he meant that those who sent the men to the front were to be severely punished.

On September 21, President Vladimir Putin announced a “partial” mobilization. According to the authorities, 300,000 reservists, mostly with previous combat experience, are to be drafted into the army. According to unofficial reports, one million men will be drafted into the army.

On Thursday, authorities in the Chelyabinsk region of Russia confirmed the deaths of five people who were sent to war in Ukraine after the mobilization. The first official confirmation of the killing of soldiers mobilized on the front came just three weeks after the announcement of the “partial” mobilization, despite the Russian Defense Ministry promising in late September not to send untrained soldiers to the front.

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