2024. november 28. – 16:17
The governing parties continue to have the highest social support Szadvég’s November party preference surveys according to – the research institute close to Fidesz told MTI on Thursday. Compared to their survey at the end of October, however, it can be seen that, despite this, Századvég also saw a weakening in the support of the governing parties.
According to the November results, the Fidesz-KDNP ranks at 38 percent among voters who are politically active, certain or likely to participate in the election – Századvég still measured 40 percent for the ruling party in October. The Tisza Party currently follows with 32 percent, this number was 31 percent in October.
The third place was taken by the Hungarian Kétfarkú Kutya Párt (MKKP) with 9 percent, while Mi Hazánk maintains its stable 6 percent, also measured in October. According to Századvég, the support of the Democratic Coalition is currently at the 5 percent entry threshold, while Momentum and MSZP remain below that threshold with 2 and 1 percent. The proportion of those who are unsure and refuse to answer is 6 percent.
Regarding the preferences of active party voters, the government parties are currently at 40 percent, while the Tisza Party is at 35 percent, which also shows the convergence of the two parties, when compared with the results of 43 and 34 percent researched in October.
Századvég collected the data between November 14 and November 19, and conducted the research among the politically active, adult Hungarian population by interviewing a thousand adults.
Just on Thursday, before the publication of Századvég’s research, a recent survey by Median came out, according to which the Tisza Party already stands at 47 percent among sure party voters, while Fidesz only has 36 percent. We spoke with political analyst Zoltán Lakner on the Telex broadcast about how much this means a real, 11 percent Tisza advantage.
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## Is Hungary Headed For a Tight Race? Latest polls Paint Contrasting Pictures
Hungary’s political landscape is heating up as the contry approaches its next election. Recent polls from Századvég adn Median reveal captivating and sometimes diverging trends in voter preferences. While both polls agree that the governing Fidesz-KDNP coalition remains in the lead, the margins are slim and narrowing, raising questions about a potential upset.
To unpack these findings and analyze their implications, World Today News spoke wiht Dr. Katalin Lévai,a political science professor at Budapest Corvinus university,and Dr. Peter Krekó,the Director of Political Capital Institute,a renowned think tank in budapest.
### Shrinking Lead for the Governing Coalition
**World Today News:** Dr. Lévai, Századvég’s latest survey shows the Fidesz-KDNP coalition with 38% support among likely voters, down from 40% in October. The opposition Tisza Party, conversely, has climbed to 32%. How do you interpret these results?
**Dr. Lévai:** These figures suggest a tightening race. While fidesz-KDNP still holds a lead, it’s clear that their dominance is waning. The Tisza Party’s consistent upward trajectory indicates growing dissatisfaction with the incumbent government and a potential shift in voter sentiment. It’s too early to say definitively whether this trend will continue, but it’s definitely a development worth watching closely.
**World Today News:** Dr. Krekó, Median’s poll paints a slightly different picture, with the Tisza Party holding a significant 47% among likely voters compared to Fidesz-KDNP’s 36%.What factors could explain this discrepancy between the two surveys?
**Dr. Krekó:** It’s crucial to consider the methodologies and sample sizes utilized by each polling institute. Subtle variations in survey design, question wording, and the demographics of the respondents can lead to variations in results. Additionally, political landscapes are dynamic, and public opinion can shift quickly. It’s possible that Median’s poll captured a brief moment of increased support for Tisza Party that may not be reflected in Századvég’s later survey.
### The Impact of Opposition Unity
**World Today News:** Both polls highlight the growing support for the Tisza Party. Can you elaborate on the reasons behind their rise, Dr. Lévai?
**Dr. Lévai:** The Tisza Party has skillfully mobilized opposition voters weary of Fidesz’s dominance. Their message of unity and change resonates with a population yearning for option perspectives. The party’s focus on economic issues like inflation and social welfare has also proven effective in attracting support.
**World Today News:** Dr. Krekó, what are the implications of these trends for the upcoming election?
**Dr. Krekó:** A unified and energized opposition could pose a serious challenge to Fidesz-KDNP’s grip on power. If the Tisza Party can maintain its momentum and effectively leverage voter discontent, we could be looking at a highly competitive race. The outcome will depend largely on the opposition’s ability to present a credible and appealing alternative vision for Hungary.
#### Looking Ahead
**World Today News:** What are your predictions for the remaining weeks leading up to the election, Dr. Lévai?
**Dr. Lévai:** Expect intensifying rhetoric and campaigns from both sides. Fidesz-KDNP will likely double down on its nationalist messaging, while the opposition will focus on highlighting their promises for change and reform. Public discourse will be heated, with social media playing a significant role in shaping voter perception.
**World Today News**: Thank you both for sharing your insights.
The upcoming Hungarian election promises to be a crucial test for the country’s political future. Will the incumbent government maintain its hold on power, or will a new era of leadership dawn? Stay tuned to world Today News for continued coverage and analysis leading up to election day.
**For further reading:**
* [Hungary’s Political Landscape: A Extensive Guide](http://www.world-today-news.com/hungary-politics)
* [The Rise of Opposition Parties in Hungary](http://www.world-today-news.com/hungary-opposition)