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Evelia Tamales: The Mexican Vendor Who Faced 18 Arrests for Selling in New York

Nowadays, Evelia’s Tamales It is one of the most recognized Mexican food franchises in New York City; However, behind this Mexican success in the United States, there is a story of overcoming behind it, from a Mexican named Evelia Coyotzi.

In 2000, Evelia Coyotzi left her hometown of Tlaxcala to look for work in New York City. By 2001, she worked for McDonald’s but after becoming unemployed, she started doing tamales at his home in Queens and began selling them out of a shopping cart on the corner Roosevelt Avenue and Junction Boulevard, in the shadow of the elevated subway tracks.

Evelia arrived every day at 4:30 am trying to capture as many people as possible. This is how, for more than 10 years, Coyotzi has made a living attracting more and more clients.

Currently, not only does he have a street stall in the same place as always, but for January 2020, managed to rent a place to put a Mexican food restaurant near the usual place of your cart; opened in March.

However, the path was anything but easy, since it was She was already more than 23 years old when Evelia crossed the border in the company of her older brotherleaving her husband and son behind in order to seek a better situation.

After working in a sewing factory and in a supermarket, Evelia worked in a McDonald’s near the Twin Towers, which closed after the attack on the 9/11, and she’s out of a job.

Desperate, why did I come? if I came to work and then I’m not working, yes, it feels bad“He recalled in an interview for the NY1 chain. “As I saw people selling tamales, I said, ‘Well, I’m going to try to sell tamales too.’“, remember.

In the process, she was arrested up to 18 times for not having a permit to sell. In 2005, she tried to legalize her business without success and it was not until the following year that she, already with her husband, they got a cart with a false permit… however, that did not disappoint them and they managed to formalize their business.

Today, the family runs a well-known business, lives in New York, employs 10 people, and hopes to continue to prosper: “My future goal is that we continue working and have more jobs for people who are unemployed and have another position, another cart“, Evelyn advanced.


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