Home » today » News » EVE Online Player Loses Prey That He Saved for 16 Years – Space Pirates Catch Him | Games

EVE Online Player Loses Prey That He Saved for 16 Years – Space Pirates Catch Him | Games

Space pirates from EVE Online deprived the player under the nickname Lactose Intolerant of the booty that he had been accumulating for 16 years. On the way to one of the outlets, his ship with valuable loot was destroyed by a group of enemy ships.

It turned out that Lactose Intolerant was planning to transport the Orca ship through the high-tech protected space, which is protected from space pirates by special NPCs. However, EVE Online players know that the reaction of the in-game police is not instant, and if you strike a group at the ship, you can manage to destroy the ship before it arrives at the scene. Perhaps, for some reason, Lactose Intolerant moved on automatic control, while on the manual its maneuverability and speed were higher, which could help to see the attack in advance and avoid it.

Some of the blueprints that the pirate-attacked ship carried were very expensive — so much so that their cost was almost impossible to estimate, because they were not sold on the EVE Online in-game market, but under special contracts. The total amount of damage estimated at approximately 500 billion ISK ($ 5 thousand).

According to the topic on reddit, many users accused Lactose Intolerant of being a “credit card warrior” and purchased all of his loot for donat. This theory was refuted by one of the leaders of the corporation, which included the injured player. According to Tharvoil, Lactose Intolerant has indeed earned lost loot by reselling and farming for 16 years. After the incident, the user did not log into EVE Online.

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