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Evacuation planned for March 29 in two regions

The Ukrainian side every day coordinates the corridors for the removal of people

Three humanitarian corridors have been agreed for civilians in Mariupol, Melitopol and Energodar.

On Tuesday, March 29, the evacuation of citizens is planned in two regions: Donetsk and Zaporozhye. It was announced on briefing Deputy Prime Minister – Minister for Reintegration of the Temporarily Occupied Territories Irina Vereshchuk.

There are three humanitarian corridors: from Mariupol, Melitopol and Energodar.

  • Mariupol-Zaporozhye on your own transport

Also, 34 buses departed from Zaporozhye to evacuate Mariupol residents from Berdyansk, which should arrive before evening. For residents of Mariupol, there is a free gas station in Berdyansk at st. Melitopol highway, 87b.

  • Melitopol-Zaporozhye

Buses and humanitarian aid have already left Zaporozhye. The time of their arrival depends on the speed of passing the checkpoints. Gathering in Melitopol near the department of the State Emergency Service No. 10 at the address of the street. Ivan Alekseev, 12.

  • Energodar-Zaporozhye

The State Emergency Service car will lead the convoy of citizens on private transport. Place of formation of the column: st. Kurchatova, 14 (opposite the City Council).

Also, a convoy of trucks with humanitarian aid set off from Zaporozhye to Energodar.

Ukrainians forcibly taken to Russia should report themselves – MFA

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