Euskadi has started the vaccination of animals against ‘blue tongue‘after finding a case in a farm of Oiartzun. The regional councils and the Basque Government have implemented measures to control of the disease affecting sheep and to a lesser extent cattlebut what It is not transmitted to humans. Nevertheless, it can be very harmful to livestock farms and, for this reason, measures have been taken such as the compulsory inoculation of animals that are older than three months. “The forecast is that 105,000 sheep and 41,300 cattle will be vaccinated,” said Xabier Iraola, coordinator of Euskal Nekazarien Batasuna, Enba.
After the first case was reported, and with the epidemiological situation of the disease in the environment, two weeks ago the authorities call to the Basque department to intensify livestock vaccinations, prevent the appearance of the disease and report suspicions as soon as possible. “The voluntary campaign started a month ago and now it is mandatory,” says Iraola.
sheep in the field
first case in oiartzun
The Regional Council of Gipuzkoa found a suspicious case in a sheep from a village in Oiartzun. The samples were sent to the Algete national information laboratory, in Madrid, which confirmed that it was a case of the bluetongue virus.
On the farm where this disease appeared, 82 sheep lived together with 5 goats and 19 cows. The animal was a sheep which showed symptoms similar to the disease and eventually died.
The ‘blue tongue’ It is transmitted among relatives through mosquito bites. insects that were present in Euskadi four years ago. At that time, the disease was under control and eliminated by a special vaccine at the end of 2022.
However, after the appearance of the case on the Gipuzkoa farm, the alarm about possible diseases has spread to the population. In this sense, from Enba, they send a message of silence by ensuring that he does not affect or give to peoplenot through contact with animals or wool or through consumption of food. “It is not transmitted to people or to fruit, or to meat or milk. It causes fever in the animal,” said Iraola.
2024-11-04 14:08:00
#Euskadi #vaccinates #animals #blue #tongue