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Eurozone: in August, investor morale picked up a bit but remained at a low level

The morale of investors in the euro area rose in August for the fourth month in a row but still remains at a low level: this is the main lesson of the monthly survey carried out by the German agency Sentix.

The index reached -13.4 in August, or 4.8 points higher than in July. It is also three times better than in April, at the height of the Covid-19 crisis.

In France, the economy continues to recover but at a less sustained level than in June, according to the monthly survey on the economic situation unveiled on Monday by the Banque de France. Economic activity remains 7% below its usual levels.

Positive points: all industry sectors are rebounding and the building sector is still growing, even if less sustained than in June.

Negative point: the recovery does not compensate for the decline in activity recorded during confinement. And French GDP contracted 13.8% in the second quarter, as forecast. The European economy for its part shows a drop of 11.9% of its GDP in the second quarter.

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