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Eurovision Song Contest 2022: the Italian cities candidate to host the event

Eurovision Song Contest

Italy champion of Europe – in football as in music – is preparing to welcome the next edition of theEurovision Song Contest. And it is precisely on the front of the seven notes that, now, the organizational efforts will have to concentrate. At midnight yesterday the call for applications for the applications from Italian cities wishing to host the great event music in May 2022. Here are who officially stepped forward: Bologna, Turin, Pesaro, Jesolo (but the list will necessarily be updated).

Eurovision Song Contest 2022, the Italian candidate cities

Eurovision 2022, candidature – Bologna

Among the official candidacies is that of Bologna. The mayor of the Emilian capital, Virginio Merola, signed the expression of interest forwarded to Rai, putting on paper the interest of the Municipality of Bologna and the Emilia-Romagna Region, which have a specific working group to prepare the application dossier. In fact, it should be remembered that the possible host cities, in order to access the actual selection, they will have to respect the strict parameters set by the EBU, the organizing body of the event: criteria regarding the infrastructures, the accommodation capacities and the sizes of the candidate place to physically host the show.

They are part of the Bolognese working group APT Servizi and Bologna Welcome together with Free Event Entertainment & Production, an agency that operates in the international event organization sector, which in this circumstance brings in entertainment professionals such as John Dennis Mc Cullagh, production consultant, Christian Biondani, director of television shows, Eddy Anselmi, journalist and Assistant Head of Delegation in ESC since 2012, Emiliano Bitti, technical director specializing in large events, e the Giò Forma studio, which operates internationally in the field of scenography and production design.

Bologna, the creative city of Unesco music, has the ambition and the characteristics to host the next edition of the Eurovision Song Contest 2022. And it has an extra gear: the ability to team up together to bring home such an important result. We have already started work the day after the Maneskin victory and we are ready to provide Rai with all the necessary information

said the mayor Virginio Merola, launching the candidacy of the capital.

Eurovision 2022, candidature – Torino

It stands out then the candidacy of Turin, already anticipated in recent months by the mayor Chiara Hangers. The latter, by signing the official request sent to Rai in recent days, reiterated the interest in the prestigious event, which – said the first citizen – would guarantee a “worldwide visibility of our Turin and indisputable economic repercussions“.

We are applying because our city has all the credentials and we believe it is the best option in the field on which to make the choice. We have spaces with suitable capacities, in the heart of the city and easily accessible. As far as hospitality is concerned, our accommodation offer is able to accommodate the thousands of people that the event will attract. But – among others – there is another fundamental point that should lead to choosing Turin: we will already be a proven stage for international events that we have brought here in recent years, capable of putting the skills of an entire city at the service of ‘Eurovision

Chiara Appendino wrote, underlining the fact that the city has recently become a Ryanair hub (one of the requirements for candidates is the presence of an international airport which is no more than 1 hour and 30 minutes away).

Eurovision 2022, candidature – Pesaro

Among the official candidacies there is also that of Pesaro, which in a note from the Municipality underlines that it hasall the parameters required for participation“. The area identified for the event by the capital of the Marche region is the Vitrifrigo Arena.

Eurovision 2022, candidature – Jesolo

Also in contention Jesolo, as communicated by Luigi Pasqualinotto, president of the JesoloVenice Consortium.

Ours is a city with an international vocation, used to hosting and organizing large events. I remember that, if we look at the last few years, in Jesolo we have had events such as the Beach Bum Rock Festival, Miss Italia, the Full Moon Dj Superstar, the Air Show (the largest and most important civil air show), the Coca Cola event. Live Mtv … until the Ironman that we will have in September, in a region often home to world-class events, such as the Cortina Olympics

Pasqualinotto said. The structure that would host the event, the PalaInvent (also known as Palazzo del Turismo and in the past also as PalaArrex) would have however a capacity lower than that required by the EBU: 8,000 – 10,000 spectators compared to the 4,000 seats of the Venetian structure.

However, the list of candidates will necessarily need to be updated: in fact, it should be considered that many cities have presented their proposal without making it public yet. Rome, Milan and Naples would be among these. An official communication from Rai is expected in the next few hours.

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