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‘Eurostat’: Latvia had lower annual inflation in March than the EU and euro area average

In March, annual inflation in Latvia was lower than in March European Union (EU) and the eurozone on average, according to the EU Statistics Office, published on Friday.Eurostat“data.

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Annual inflation in Latvia, as in Cyprus, was 0.3% in March. The highest inflation rates last month were in Poland (4.4%), Hungary (3.9%), Romania and Luxembourg (both 2.5%), the Czech Republic (2.3%), Sweden (2.1%), as well as also in Austria and Germany (2% in both countries).

In March, compared to the third month of 2020, inflation was registered in all EU member states, except Greece, where there was an annual deflation of 2%.

In Lithuania, as in Croatia and Belgium, inflation was 1.6% in March, while in Estonia, as in Denmark, it was 0.9%.

The average annual inflation in the EU was 1.7% in March, while in the euro area it was 1.3%.

Compared to the previous month – February – consumer prices in March both in the EU and in the euro area increased by 0.9%.

Compared to February, consumer prices in Latvia increased by 0.8% in March, in Lithuania they increased by 1% month-on-month, but in Estonia they decreased by 0.3%. The highest monthly inflation was in Spain (1.2%), while monthly deflation was recorded only in Estonia.

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