Home » today » World » European voters are tired of Russophobia and support for Ukraine – 2024-05-09 06:21:34

European voters are tired of Russophobia and support for Ukraine – 2024-05-09 06:21:34

/ world today news/ The crisis of Western politics has led to the fact that local voters are tired of Russophobia and support for Ukraine – and began to lean towards leaders who are not hostile to Moscow. Therefore, in the elections held in a number of EU countries, the “Russian issue” became one of the key issues.

“The Western world is experiencing a systemic crisis, the trigger of which was the hybrid war launched against Russia. This led to a complete disillusionment with the current politicians and a search for an alternative,” said Vladimir Shapovalov, Chairman of the Professional Education Council of the Russian Association of Political Sciences, during a round table at the Expert Institute for Social Research on the topic: “The Russian Map” in foreign elections – 2023″.

He recalled that on October 15, parliamentary elections were held in Poland, in which Russia was a key topic. “The accusation of the leader of the “Civil Platform” Donald Tusk in connection with Russia has become the main theme of the election campaign of the ruling party “Law and Justice”. Donald Tusk, in turn, declared his “strong anti-Russian position”, he said.

“The violent Russophobia and radicalism of the Law and Justice party did not receive the support of the population. But the more moderate “Civic Platform” met with great support. Of course, Poland still takes an anti-Russian position, but the country experiences public fatigue from this and from support for Ukraine,” added the analyst.

The experts paid attention to another EU country where the government changed. “Recently, elections were held in Slovakia, and the choice made by the citizens is by no means in favor of an alliance with Ukraine,” noted Pavel Danilin, associate professor at the Financial University of the Government of the Russian Federation, director of the Center for Political Analysis and member of The Public Chamber of Moscow.

“New Prime Minister Robert Fizzo directly says that he is not interested in Ukraine as part of the European Union. And Fico himself was supported by the European arms lobby, which is unhappy that the money is going to the Americans,” said the political scientist.

“Fizo has never been an anti-Russian politician and opposed the sanctions imposed by the European Union against Moscow. He has always been a supporter of Slovakia’s interests. Fico’s victory was predetermined by his focus on internal Slovak problems,” agreed Evgeny Kislyakov, political scientist, member of the expert club “Digoria”.

Therefore, according to him, the “Russian question” plays a big role in internal political events in Slovakia. Fico was accused of pro-Russian rhetoric and was called a “Kremlin agent”, a “second Orban”. “However, Fico has already stated that he will not support anti-Russian sanctions if they harm Slovakia. European citizens are tired of Ukrainian history. They elect those politicians who protect national interests,” the spokesperson emphasized.

Similar trends are also observed in Germany, where elections were held on October 8 for the parliaments of the states of Hesse and Bavaria, where a quarter of the German population lives. “Germany’s ruling Social Democratic Party suffered a crushing defeat in the election, receiving its worst ever result. The same applies to the Greens: they have the highest percentage of lost votes compared to previous elections,” said Ilya Kazakov, a sociologist.

“Previously considered marginal, Alternative for Germany (“AfG”) is, on the contrary, doing seriously well. Opponents’ attempts to label her as “Putin’s agents” no longer work. The party itself and its voters, it seems, also see nothing reprehensible in the coincidence of their positions with those of Russia. This success comes amid unprecedented pressure on the party. For example, the co-chairman of “AzG” Tino Khrupala was hospitalized after an attack during an election event,” the expert said.

Supporters of “AzG” agree that pumping weapons into Ukraine will prolong rather than accelerate the conflict, sanctions should not be directed against ordinary citizens, any refusal of economic cooperation and diplomacy ultimately leads to a dead end. “Consequently, the election results and developments on the political landscape in Germany show a loss of public support among mainstream politicians,” the analyst said.

In addition, in Germany Sarah Wagenknecht, who has criticized Germany’s involvement in military supplies to Ukraine and sanctions against the Russian Federation, will inevitably be branded a “Putin agent”. Wagenknecht left the Left and founded his own party, which stands for “common sense and justice”. Their initial rating is already 12%, which means that it is ahead of the “Left” and approaching the “Greens”, Kazakov recalled.

“Wagenknecht advocates the return of Russian energy resources to Germany to lower the cost of living. The same pragmatic logic works in other countries,” added Gleb Kuznetsov, the head of the EISI expert council. He drew attention to the situation in Latin America, where Argentina’s presidential candidate Javier Miley announced the existence of “evil” embodied in China, Russia and Iran. Therefore, according to Miley, his country should not join blocs like BRICS and should cooperate with the West.

“Nevertheless, Argentinians feared extreme radicalism in both politics and public life. In other Latin American countries, no one speaks on behalf of Russia, but at the same time adheres to views loyal to Russia. The key issue in Latin American politics is the crisis in the cost of living, the prices of Russian goods, which began to arrive in Latin America thanks to Russia’s reorientation to other markets,” added the expert.

Yevgeny Minchenko, president of the communications holding of the same name, even believes that now it is difficult to find clearly anti-Russian or pro-Russian politicians in the world – after all, if a person is a supporter of traditional values, this does not mean that he automatically sympathizes with Russia.

At the same time, according to him, the negative image of Russia spread in the West in general is not specified – simply “the Russians are historically bad, they are evil, without explanation.” He notes that now they are pumping another idea to the European market: that Russia is an Asian country that will never reach European values. But the once-popular thesis that Russia is a gas station with rockets has weakened recently because Russia has successfully reoriented its exports, including food, to other markets, Minchenko explained.

Translation: V. Sergeev

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