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European Union Membership Talks with Ukraine: Hungary’s Opposition and Diplomatic Efforts

At the beginning of November, the European Commission recommended starting negotiations with Ukraine on joining the European Union. Currently, Hungary is the only one in the family of 27 member states, which is putting cogs in the wheel of the common bloc of the European Union on the need to start negotiations on the admission of Ukraine already this year.

Sandra Kalniete states that all diplomatic efforts and instruments are currently being used to force Hungary to change its position.

Sandra Kalniete (“JV”),

Member of the European Parliament

“There is pressure, they are promised to unblock something from the 13 billion that have been blocked from the aid money for Hungary, its violations of the rule of law, but at the moment it is not clear whether Orbán will move. Orbán has written two letters to Charles Michel with very loud and theatrical performances, Macron invited him to the Elysée Palace this morning – I don’t know if it will work.”

Envoys from the 27 member states will meet next Tuesday to begin discussions on opening membership talks with Ukraine. The meeting marks the preparation of the union on 14-15. for the upcoming EU leaders’ summit in December, where the accession possibilities of Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia and Bosnia will be decided.

“I hope it will happen next week – during the European summit, if not in January, because it is an important message. This is how Putin is told that everything – Ukraine is leaving,” says Kalniete.

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Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, who is considered to be Russian dictator Putin’s closest ally in Europe, has claimed that Ukraine is “light years away” from joining the bloc and that his country will neither support the opening of talks nor provide financial support to Ukraine. European Parliament Vice President Roberts Zile says that if the union fails to agree on the start of negotiations, it will be a very bad signal.

Robert Zile (“NA”),

Vice President of the European Parliament

“It is clear that Orban, according to many people, has driven himself up a tree to a certain extent, that now it is even difficult to get off him, even if he has received a sufficiently good political benefit, but I am still more optimistic. In the majority, however, I hope yes, if not, then it is bad, bad from a political point of view. Europe is showing its weakness, which will undoubtedly be exploited by the enemy.”

The director of the Institute of Foreign Policy of Latvia says that it is likely that the agreement will still succeed.

“What the Prime Minister of Hungary has said to us, that we don’t even need negotiations, no one will really rely on what he says and that’s why we won’t start negotiations. The European Union has been decisive and in many crisis situations where there have been disagreements, solutions are found in the end . Diplomatically difficult, politically loud, but those solutions are usually found,” explains Kārlis Bukovskis, director of the Institute of Foreign Policy of Latvia, doctor of political science.

It is clear that Ukraine’s path to its acceptance into the union will be long and long, but the expert says that the start of negotiations is a very important step for Ukraine and a clear signal to Moscow, which is doing everything possible to drag out this war and increase fatigue in Western society.

It is part of Russia’s tactics, to make everyone, including the Ukrainians, tired of these Russian attacks here – Russia can simply endure. this is what, classically, historically, Russia has waged wars for exhaustingly long times, wars where Russia is able to regroup, remobilize, and this is what we see happening now.

Volodymyr Zelensky submitted a signed request to admit Ukraine into the European Union a week after the Russians launched a full-scale war in Ukraine. In June of last year, European Union leaders granted Ukraine the status of a candidate country. Despite active hostilities during this time, Ukraine has been able to make significant reforms to pull the country out of the corruption pit into which it was pushed by oligarchs close to Putin during and before Viktor Yanukovych’s rule.

2023-12-06 18:50:47
#Experts #Failure #agree #Ukraines #admission #show #blocs #weakness

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