Home » today » World » European Union Condemns Israel’s Total Siege in Gaza Strip and Calls for Aid to Palestinian Authority

European Union Condemns Israel’s Total Siege in Gaza Strip and Calls for Aid to Palestinian Authority

Opposition to the total siege decided by Israel in the Gaza Strip, continuation of aid to the Palestinian National Authority and clear distinction between the latter and Hamas. The High Representative for Foreign Policy of the European Union, Joseph Borrell, outlined the line to follow for Brussels at the end of an extraordinary Foreign Affairs Council. At the emergency summit, the Foreign Ministers of the Twenty-Seven discussed the crisis in Israel and in the region via videoconference following the recent tensions which have now turned into a real open conflict.

The EU position

The position of Europe appears very clear. The ministers participating in the meeting condemned the recent attacks, called for the protection of civilians and restraint, the release of hostages, the provision of access to food, water and medicines in Gaza, in line with international humanitarian law through opening of humanitarian corridors.

The importance of addressing the consequences of the offensives by strengthening cooperation with regional and international actors, in order to revive the Middle East peace process, was also underlined. The ministers reaffirmed Israel’s right toself defence, “in full compliance with international humanitarian law”. They then discussed how to continue cooperation with the Palestinian Authority and support the Palestinian people.

Borrell’s words

Borrell explained that a distinction was made between Hamas, the Palestinian people and the Palestinian Authority, with the former defined as a terrorist organization and the latter as a partner. “We consider Hamas a terrorist organization, but the Palestinian Authority is something else, it is our partner,” she explained, adding that Brussels does not deal with Hamas but “supports, negotiates and collaborates” with the Palestinian Authority.

Hence the condemnation of a blind and indiscriminate fury in the Gaza Strip. “Not all Palestinian people are terrorists. So one collective punishment against all Palestinians would be unjust and unproductive. It will be against our interests and the interest of peace”, clarified Borrell, pointing out that respect for international law means “no to the blocking of water, food and electricity”.

The support of Europe

The Europeans, continued the senior EU official, are also “overwhelmingly against the suspension of their aid to the Palestinian Authority”. Ministers agreed that the EU will continue to engage with all parties and maintain the financial support and political to the region. Brussels will then ensure its long-term commitment to ensuring that a two-state political solution “survives these tragic events”, the Council concluded.

“The vast majority of member states believe that we must continue to support the Palestinian Authority and that due payments should not be delayed, at a time when this Authority is at a critical juncture, because the Palestinian people are also suffering,” Borrell himself declared again. Finally, regarding the crisis, the EU’s high foreign policy representative stated that “a terrorist and barbaric attack” has led “to a reaction from the Israeli Defense Forces which is itself causing human suffering”. “We insist that this response must be conducted in accordance with humanitarian law,” he concluded.

2023-10-10 21:57:00
#total #siege #Gaza #doubts #Israels #plans

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