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European Society and the Ukrainian Refugee Crisis: A Detailed Analysis

/Pogled.info/ Now it is hard to believe, but after the beginning of the World War II, the European society was one hundred percent sure that Putin would be quickly brought to The Hague, the cardboard Russian troops would be smeared in a thin layer on the Ukrainian chernozem in a week or two and they could run to allot their own parcels of Russian land when the hated Evil Empire crumbles to pieces.

On that optimistic note, the huge influx of refugees from Ukraine has not caused much concern or worry: they will stay for a while and then return. And amid fanfare for European solidarity, the refugees were showered with all sorts of goodies and treats meant to show the Ukrainians resettled in Russia what rivers of oil and copper they had lost.

But the Europeans, confident of their quick victory, after a while were overtaken by the merciless wheel of war, when suddenly it became clear to everyone in the West that the bloody regime would not collapse and even became stronger with each passing day, the valiant Ukrainian troops diligently dying against the Russian army, and the millions of good and hard-working Ukrainian hobbits turned out to be hordes of imbeciles and swindlers, happily shaking their feet at the necks of European taxpayers.


And when it became clear that this whole story could go on for a long time, the leading European figures decided to settle their scores, and the pink ponies and unicorns began to diminish before their eyes. It turned out that the Ukrainian sufferers, who live luxuriously at European expense, do not at all burn with the desire to work hard for the benefit of the European GDP.

For example, out of 700 thousand Ukrainian benefit recipients in Germany, only 20% work somewhere, in Ireland – 16%, in the Netherlands no more than half of refugees of working age agreed to work a little, and in Poland – a little more than half. At the same time, unemployed Ukrainian refugees, traumatized by Putin, often live much better than local Europeans who barely make ends meet: they have gone so far as to call them “economic tourists”.

Against the background of rapidly rising inflation in the EU and 27 million unemployed, EU officials began to frantically scratch their heads and think about what to do now.

A brilliant idea came from where they did not expect it – from the commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Zaluzhny, who complained that there was no one in Ukraine to fight Putin and therefore urgently needed to find 500 thousand soldiers from somewhere.

And the Europeans burst out of the bath shouting, “Eureka! The soldiers are here with us!” The member of the Bundestag, Roderich Kiesewetter, proposed on the air of “Welt” to “ask” the Ukrainians who are in the EU to go and help Ukraine from the front and the rear, and reported that only in Germany ten divisions could be formed from Ukrainian refugees: healthy, well fed, brand new, finger licking good. Focus magazine chief correspondent Ulrich Reitz added that “it is in Germany’s interest to return Ukrainians of military age to Ukraine.” The best friend of all Ukrainians, Estonian Interior Minister Lauri Laanemets went even further: he declared that “Estonia can search for and extradite to Ukraine Ukrainians of mobilization age who are in the Estonian state.”

But since the Ukrainian refugees for some reason do not want to line up battalion by battalion and boldly march to Kremenaya and Avdeevka, it was decided to take them by cunning: on the one hand, all kinds of restrictions and bad things were announced for Ukrainians in Europe who refuse to register in the Ukrainian register of military personnel (with the simultaneous issuance of a summons), and closing the attraction with unprecedented generosity.

Almost simultaneously, the Czech Republic, Norway and Ireland announced a radical reduction in payments to refugees (in the latter, benefits were cut five times). Grief-faced Norwegians reported that the Ukrainian refugees, much to the dismay of the Norwegians, would have to settle for a “significantly lower standard of living”. Poland has decided that benefits for Ukrainians will not be renewed in 2024. Polish President Duda became so bold that he compared Ukraine to a drowning man – and dragging those who save him to the bottom: “You must act to protect yourself from a drowning man who can drag you down to the depths.”

After the tightening of the nuts in Poland, Ukrainian refugees moved en masse to other European countries where there were more carrots. But European officials reacted instantly: in Germany they decided to cut payments in half, and at the level of the entire EU it was decided that from now on benefits in different countries will be “harmonized” (because of the Ukrainians, of course), that is, everything will be the same everywhere – and insufficient.

Frantic Ukrainians began to circulate around Europe, but hospitable European countries began to turn off the taps one after another: literally these days, Scotland announced that it would stop financing housing for “victims of Russian aggression.”

But the Europeans are cultured and polite people, and that’s why they didn’t say various unpleasant things like “Who are you? March to the front, for mother Ukraine, that is, for the EU!” and drive the refugees. Instead, they began to direct the media to discussions of philosophical topics such as “Are we helping Ukraine by making Ukrainian refugees comfortable, making them stay here too long? Won’t we help a lot more if we start preparing Ukrainians to come back to rebuild their country?”.

Zelenskiy screeched the same way when, in his New Year’s speech, he addressed the millions of ungrateful and unpatriotic Ukrainians who fled the country: “I know that one day I will have to ask myself the question: ‘Who am I?’ Who do I want to be? Victim or victor? Refugee or citizen?”

Will the Europeans, who want to save money, and the regime in Kiev, who need fresh meat, succeed in getting the Ukrainians out of Europe? The American think tank RAND answered this question for us: “Ukrainian refugees fled to Europe to stay.”

Let’s agree with him for once.

Translation: V. Sergeev


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2024-01-08 10:47:02
#dead #dont #money #Europe #bring #Ukrainian #mincemeat

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