Home » today » Business » European Parliament wants ban on facial recognition in public space – IT Pro – News

European Parliament wants ban on facial recognition in public space – IT Pro – News

The problem is also, how far do you want to push this?

My iPhone – and every iPhone – automatically recognizes faces in photos and neatly collects them from that person. That is also a form of facial recognition via AI. Only there is no name on it – Apple does not know that – but you can attach it yourself. And so there are many consumer electronics that automatically recognize people today.

Will photography in public space then be banned, because otherwise you can create collections of photos on which people are automatically recognized and linked to each other?

Where is the border? Automatically matching name to face? Automatically recognize and match faces and link them to each other? Or is it allowed to recognize faces, but may not automatically be linked to a name unless it is a terrorist? And who determines that you are a terrorist, is that Europol, Interpol, intelligence from your country or the local police?

Parliament called on the European Commission to ‘implement through legal and non-legal means a ban on any processing of biometric data, including facial recognition, for investigative purposes leading to mass surveillance in public spaces’.

Or you can still match names and faces automatically, but do nothing with that information (if it doesn’t happen then…).

[Reactie gewijzigd door bramvandeperre op 6 oktober 2021 15:42]

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