Home » World » European moose appeared in the Giant Mountains after decades

European moose appeared in the Giant Mountains after decades

In the Czech part of the Krkonoše Mountains, the European moose appeared after decades. Apparently, it is an individual that was spotted on the border of the Owl and Krzeszow Mountains in Poland in the past few days. It is not yet clear whether the moose will settle in the Krkonoše Mountains or whether they are just migrating.

Moose are not dangerous to humans. It is a shy animal that, like other animals, can be aggressive, usually only when a person threatens the young in the presence of the mother. The moose is a very mobile animal and covers long distances. Currently, the main problem for the survival of moose in the Czech countryside is human obstacles in the form of a dense road network.

The European moose is the largest representative of the deer family. It is a native animal in Central Europe, but was exterminated in many countries in the 15th century. Elk populations were maintained only in the north of Europe. An adult male in our conditions can weigh 350 to 450 kilograms and reach a height of over two meters at the withers. Females are smaller. Moose have gray-brown to black fur. They are characterized by a large elongated head with a strong overhanging upper lip.

In the Czech Republic, there is a stable population of approximately 15 individuals in the Šumava region, where moose have found a place to live near the Šumava National Park, or Šumava PLA. (KRNAP)

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