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European Market: Driving Force of Spanish Exports of Fresh Fruit and Vegetables

Spanish exports to European markets grew by 7% in volume in the period January-May 2024amounting to 5,541,818 tons, worth 8.599 billion euros, according to a report by FEPEXMeanwhile, exports to non-European countries remain at very low volumes, at 131,338 tonnes and a growth of 3%.

Growth in Europe

German Market Performance

Within the European Union, it stands out the good performance of sales in Germanywith a volume of 1,567,637 tonnes and a growth of 9%. Germany is positioned as the main destination for Spanish exports of fresh fruit and vegetables, which underlines the importance of this market for Spanish exporters.

Other key areas in Europe

France follows Germany with 965,466 tonnes exported, representing an increase of 6%. The Netherlands, meanwhile, received 456,821 tonnes, an increase of 3%. Portugal showed a remarkable growth of 12% with 326,899 tonnes, while Poland experienced an increase of 13% with 286,364 tonnes.

United Kingdom

The United Kingdom remains the third most important market in Europewith 661,000 tonnes of fresh Spanish fruit and vegetables imported, representing an increase of 5%. In terms of value, exports to this country reached 1,207 million euros, representing an increase of 7%. This performance underlines the importance of sales in the British country for the Spanish fruit and vegetable sector, even after Brexit.

Exports outside Europe

United States and China

Outside Europe, exports to major countries remain at very low volumes.The United States received 9,506 tons, while China imported 3,661 tons, with a slight decrease of 1%. These figures reflect the difficulty of Spanish exporters to penetrate these markets due to various trade and regulatory barriers.

Significant growth in emerging areas

Despite relatively low volumes, some emerging markets have shown significant growth. Brazil, for example, imported 11,272 tonnes, representing an increase of 28%. Saudi Arabia also recorded a remarkable growth of 64%, reaching 10,900 tonnes. These increases, although starting from reduced volumes, indicate a positive trend and potential for expansion in these markets.

Factors Behind Export Performance

Impact of Protectionist Measures

For FEPEX, the behavior of exports to third countries is being decisive due to the protectionist measures adopted by some countries. These policies have significantly limited the ability of Spanish exporters to compete in certain markets outside Europe.

Loss of competitiveness

In addition, the loss of competitiveness, attributable to the EU production model, has been a critical factor. Strict regulations and high production costs within the European Union have placed Spanish exporters at a disadvantage compared to competitors from other countries with fewer restrictions and lower operating costs.


The European market continues to be the driving force behind Spanish exports of fresh fruit and vegetablesVolume and value growth in key countries such as Germany, France and the UK highlights the importance of these markets for the sector. However, expansion outside Europe faces significant challenges due to protectionist barriers and loss of competitiveness.

Future Strategies

To ensure sustainable and diversified growth, it is crucial that Spanish exporters continue to explore and expand their presence in emerging markets such as Brazil and Saudi Arabia. At the same time, it is essential to work together with the authorities to reduce trade barriers and improve the competitiveness of the sector at a global level.

Short and Long Term Perspectives

In the short term, Spanish exports of fresh fruit and vegetables will continue to depend largely on the European marketHowever, in the long term, market diversification and improved competitiveness will be key to the growth and sustainability of the sector. Exporters will need to adapt to changes in trade policies and global market demands in order to remain competitive.

Recommendations for Exporters

  1. Explore New Markets: Invest in research into emerging markets and develop entry strategies tailored to the specific characteristics of each market.

  2. Improving Competitiveness: Optimize production and logistics processes to reduce costs and increase efficiency, which will allow us to offer products at more competitive prices.

  3. Fostering Innovation: Implement new sustainable agricultural technologies and practices that not only comply with community regulations, but also increase productivity and product quality.

  4. Strengthening Collaboration: Work together with sector associations and authorities to influence trade policies and reduce tariff and non-tariff barriers that affect exports.

  5. Product Diversification: Develop a wider range of products adapted to the preferences and needs of different markets, which will reduce dependence on a few products and markets.

In summary, The European market will continue to be crucial for Spanish exports of fresh fruit and vegetablesHowever, diversification into emerging markets and improving competitiveness will be key to ensuring the sector’s growth and sustainability in the future.

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