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European Leaders Celebrate 20th Anniversary of EU Enlargement in 2004 with Gala Event

EP President Roberta Metsol, Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, former EP President Pat Cox and former Commission President Romano Prodi attended the ceremonial sitting of the Parliament to mark the 20th anniversary of the EU enlargement in 2004.

Speaking to those who attended the gala event, the President of the European Parliament, Roberta Metsola, said:

“Europe has been facing unprecedented challenges in the last two decades. Together, we have been successful in meeting them. we understand that Europe, despite its frustrations and imperfections, provides the greatest security for all our citizens.

There is no doubting the transformative impact of EU enlargement on the lives of Europeans for generations. It is clearly visible in each of our member states. Starting with new, practical rights for citizens and ending with opportunities for young and old. From the Single Market, which will strengthen our economy, to Cohesion Policy, which will deliver our commitment to equality for Europeans. The European Union is not just about changing legislation. Its influence reaches far deeper and wider.

Unity does not mean sameness. Europe is not trying to make everyone equal. We are proud of our differences. We are proud of our unique traditions, cultures, languages ​​and diversity. We have proven this over the past 20 years.

Europe means accepting differences while providing equal opportunities. Everyone should have the same opportunities, but not necessarily the same ideas. That is where our strength lies. This is our Europe. EU membership is beneficial for all parties. Since 2004, Europe seems to have changed every member state. But each of these member states has also changed Europe.”

In the solemn service, Günther Verheugen who was the Commissioner for Enlargement of the European Union and representatives of the ten member states that joined the European Union joined the European Union 20 years ago together with the leaders of the EU and previously:

Georgs Iakovu who was the Foreign Minister of Cyprus

Pēters Medgeši who was Prime Minister of Hungary

Latvian Vice President Vaira Vīķe-Freiberga

Former Foreign Minister of Lithuania Antans Valionis

Lawrence Gonzi who was Prime Minister of Malta

Former negotiator for Malta’s accession to the European Union, Richard Kashia Caruana

Anton Rops who was Prime Minister of Slovenia

Former Prime Minister of Slovakia Mikulas Dzurinda

Polish Vice Prime Minister Leszek Miller

Kristina Ojulanda was the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Estonia

Pavels Telička, former Czech negotiator for joining the European Union

During the ceremony, the guests answered the questions asked by the young people present in Strasbourg from the “new” Member States born on or around May 1, 2004.

The ceremony ended with Beethoven’s “Ode to Joy” played by “Voix de Stras” a cappella a choir

See eventsSee a video recording of the event.video recording.

General information

The Czech Republic, Estonia, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Hungary and Slovakia joined the European Union on 1 May 2004. This is the most progressive enlargement in the history of the EU. so far.

2024-04-24 12:37:34
#Parliament #marks #20th #anniversary #EUs #ambitious #enlargement #European #Parliament

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