About the episode
A substantial European grant has been awarded to make tiny chemical tools that can measure very small changes in the proteins in our cells. And that tricky job is done in a Dutch lab.
In this audio you hear chemist Gerbrand van der Heden van Noort of the Leiden University Medical Center. Read more about the grant and the research here: ERC grant for research into protein modifications in body cells.
The covid research to which he made an important contribution can be found here: Papain-like protease regulates SARS-CoV-2 viral spread and innate immunity. A recent example of research by his group on the link between ADPribose and Ubiquitin in the context of Legionella can be found here: Arginine ADP-Ribosylation: Chemical Synthesis of Post-Translationally Modified Ubiquitin Proteins.
2023-05-23 15:10:06
#tiny #recreated #signaling #molecules #answer #big #medical #questions