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European elections. Leszek Miller was instructed by the deputy minister. “It’s rude to lie”

The politician, number one on the list in Greater Poland, persuaded people to vote for the party. She recalled that the Left had great merits in introducing Poland to the European Union.

– A strong, united union is a good scenario for us. If we are in this family, we do not have to fear for the lives of our loved ones. That is why it is crucial to vote for the Left on June 9, which brought Poland into the EU, she argued to the audience.

European elections 2024. Leszek Miller reminded who introduced Poland to the EU

Leszek Miller decided to react to these words. The former prime minister took to social media and accused the MP of lying.

“Joanna Scheuring-Wielgus calls on people to vote for the Left on June 9, because ‘the Left brought Poland into the EU’,” the MEP began. He then pointed out that this was not true, and accession to the EU was the result of the actions of the then government coalition of SLD, PSL and Labor Union.

“Or, if you prefer, Leszek Miller’s government,” continued the member of the European Parliament.

Left Convention, we know the slogan for the elections

The left will go to the European elections in coalition with other progressive parties. “Europe for you” – this is the slogan with which candidates run for elections.

Włodzimierz Czarzasty spoke during the convention. – This is the team that Poland and Europe need. (…) We will win these elections, there will be a good result – assured the Deputy Speaker of the Sejm.

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Bosak in “Rymanowski’s Breakfast” about the ministers’ start in the European Parliament elections: It is sacrificing the interests of citizens for party purposes/Polsat News/Polsat News

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