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European elections, Calenda-DC clash in Sicily: “Cuffaro controls 200 thousand votes? Keep them”

Heated clash between Carlo Calenda and the secretary of the DC in Sicily Stefano Cirillo in Palermo, during the presentation of the Action leader’s book ‘Il Patto’. The verbal duel breaks out over the alleged votes in the hands of the DC in view of the next European elections.

“The case of Cuffaro is not the case of someone who perhaps did something, it is the case of someone who was definitively convicted of aiding and abetting the mafiosi and in a country that is not a third world country such a person did not have the face of appearing in public for the rest of his days – says Calenda – he doesn’t get back into politics because if that’s the case, please let’s not celebrate Falcone and Borsellino as great heroes. We all stay silent and say that everything is fine.” .

Then the tone of the Action leader becomes brighter: “Someone who comes back and says yes, look, I favored the mafiosi but now I have 140 thousand votes… and keep them – he says, standing up – Two hundred thousand… I don’t give a damn. In no country civil, nowhere like Sicily which has had the deaths it has had, one would dare to say I have 140 thousand votes. You have nothing. Because the votes are free and you must not allow yourself, for the dignity of the Sicilians, to say that you control 200 thousand votes…you control nothing, because the votes belong to the citizens.”

The secretary of the DC stands up from his place in the room to reply: “Do you think that 200 thousand people get themselves checked? – he says, turning to Calenda – You offend the intelligence of the Sicilians. You cannot say that these are mafia votes He should be ashamed.”

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– 2024-04-28 01:55:22

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