Six European companies in Korea, including Merck Korea Biopharma and Adecco Korea, participated.
European Chamber of Commerce in Korea ‘Family-Friendly Future Forum’ Launching Ceremony
(Seoul = Yonhap News) The European Chamber of Commerce in Korea launched the ‘Family-Friendly Future Forum’ on the 26th. From the left, Kim Young-shin, head of Novartis Korea, Seung-jae Park, head of GSK Korea, Jeong-ryeol Lee, professor at Seoul National University School of Medicine, Christoph Hamann, CEO of Merck Biopharma Korea, Walter van Hatoum, counselor for economic and trade affairs at the European Union Delegation to Korea, Stefan Ernst, president of the European Chamber of Commerce in Korea, and Choi. Seulgi, standing member of the Low Birth Rate and Aging Society Committee, Youngtae Cho, professor at Seoul National University’s Population Policy Research Center, and Brian Jang-Philip Luro, Adecco Korea. Representative, Lee In-sil, Director of the Korean Peninsula Future Population Institute, and Jarosław Jankowski, CEO of Siemens Logistics Korea Branch. 2024.11.28. [주한유럽상공회의소 제공. 재판매 및 DB 금지]
(Seoul = Yonhap News) Reporter Kang Tae-woo = On the 26th, the European Chamber of Commerce in Korea (ECCK) held a ‘family’ event that promotes cooperation between various stakeholders to respond to population changes in Korea such as low birth rate and aging at the Seoul Dragon City Hotel in Yongsan-gu, Seoul. It was announced on the 28th that the ‘Friendly Future Forum (FFFF)’ was launched.
Merck Korea Biopharma and Adecco Korea serve as co-chairs of the Family-Friendly Future Forum, and six companies, including Siemens Logistics, GSK Korea, Novartis Korea, and Busan International School, participate as founding companies of the forum.
Stefan Ernst, President of the European Chamber of Commerce in Korea, said in his opening speech, “The Family-Friendly Future Forum started from the recognition that work-family balance is no longer an individual problem, but an important task that must be solved by companies and society together.” “Policies and operations are proven to attract and retain talent, as well as increase organizational efficiency in the long term,” he explained the background to the forum’s establishment.
At the event, Cho Young-tae, a professor at Seoul National University’s Population Policy Research Center, gave a keynote presentation and emphasized that family-friendly systems are not an option for companies, but an essential survival strategy.
Professor Cho also explained, “We will be able to increase corporate competitiveness by revamping personnel policies in line with government policies and introducing customized support policies that take into account the families of executives and employees.”
A discussion on the topic of ‘family-friendly corporate policy and corporate culture’ continued.
Christoph Harmann, CEO of Merck Biopharma Korea, said, “Family-friendly corporate policies include a flexible work environment and active health management that support the various lifestyles of organization members, and leaders must lead by example in creating an inclusive corporate culture that respects and supports this.” “This is essential,” he emphasized.
Lee In-sil, director of the Korean Peninsula Future Population Research Institute, who chaired the discussion, said, “It is very meaningful that European companies in Korea have taken the initiative to create a forum for discussion about a family-friendly future.” He added, “We will continue to cooperate with domestic organizations and companies to develop more advanced policies and cases.” “I look forward to making it happen,” he said.
Report via KakaoTalk okjebo
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2024/11/28 14:40 Sent