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Europe, with Jiménez, takes a minimal advantage in the World Champions Cup of the Senior PGA Circuit

The new one began World Champions Cup in The Concession Golf and Country Clubpenultimate tournament on the calendar Champions Tour in which three teams composed of six players face each other; Europawhich includes Miguel Ángel Jiménez,, USA e International. The day began with three «SixBalls» (best ball) in which two players from each team took part, where six balls were put into play in each of the nine holes of which these matches consist.

In them, Europe added 31.5 points; with Montgomerie y Clarke dominating the situation with 13 points. Let’s remember that in each hole there are three points; two for the winner, one for the second and zero for the third couple. In case of a tie they are distributed. Jimenez y Karlsson They added up to 8.5, while Langer y Cejka They got 10.

The Americans accumulated 26.5. Toms y Quigley (6,5); Stricker y Andrade 10; the same as Kelly y Leonard. For its part, the International team accumulated 23. Alker and Goosen (7.5); Choi and Els (8.5) and Singh and Ames (7).

Already in the afternoon shift and under the «SixSomes» (alternating shots) and with the same couples on the field, the United States and Internationals accumulated 28.5 points each, while Europe had to settle for 24. Toms and Quigley (9); Stricker and Andrade (9.5) and Kelly and Leonard (10). Alker y Goosen (10); Choi y The (10) y Singh y Ames (8.5). Montgomerie and Clarke (8); Jiménez and Karlsson (7.5) and Langer and Cejka (8.5).

With these numbers, Europe leads by the minimum with 55.5 points, followed by the United States with 55 and International with 51.5. This Friday, 162 points will be put into play again under the same formats, and after Saturday’s rest, the individual events will be played in two sessions with 324 points at stake.

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2023-12-08 10:57:39
#Europe #Jiménez #takes #minimal #advantage #World #Champions #Cup #Senior #PGA #Circuit

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