Home » today » World » “Europe was not built to erect walls”, believes Clément Beaune, Secretary of State for European Affairs

“Europe was not built to erect walls”, believes Clément Beaune, Secretary of State for European Affairs



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On October 24, 2021, “Dimanche en politique” receives Clément Beaune, Secretary of State for European Affairs and close to Emmanuel Macron. As the crisis continues with Poland, he also returns to France’s position on the construction of border walls.

The standoff between the European Union and Poland continues, since the Prime Minister of the country, Mateusz Morawiecki, demanded the independence of national justice. This gesture could earn him sanctions from the European Union, in particular financial. “The idea is not to punish the bad student. (…) Poland is a sovereign state, it has chosen by referendum to join the European Union and its principles“, recalls Clément Beaune, who believes that when a country”makes sovereign commitments“, they “must be respected“, at the risk of “leave the European Union“. “When you live in a condominium, you respect the rules of cohabitation“, supports the Secretary of State for European Affairs.

Police rather than barbed wire

Poland, like Hungary, is leading a group of 12 countries, which ask Europe to subsidize walls or barbed wire around European borders to prevent the arrival of migrants. Unthinkable for the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen. France, says Clément Beaune, shares this position. “Europe was not built to erect walls between its countries, it is even the opposite“, martèle-til.”It is not a Europe which will create barbed wire at its borders which will better protect itself“, insists the Secretary of State for European Affairs. France, on the other hand, is supporting other measures, such as the development of Frontex, the European border police, which will”grow in power“with the recruitment of 10,000 men.

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